
What is the best way to teach yourself how to sing better?

by  |  earlier

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I have a lot of raw talent, but I would really like to enhance it.

What can I do??

(I can't hire a voice coach or anything...)




  1. Try youtube. They have many coaches on there (for free, because they have videos!)

    Also, just sing from your Diaphram. When you do crunches, you know what muscle you feel...well use that one when you sing.

    make sure you're not letting out too much air and that you're not singing from your throat or nose!

    Practice every day too!

  2. there is quite a lot of help on youtube

    you can also record youself to hear if it sounds ok.

  3. practice!

  4. I manage bands in Hollywood CA. - Where nobody can hear you, if you want to have friends, you need to practice singing scales. Buy a variety of scales and practice them in your car or in a rehearsal studio and find the one that best fits your range.

  5. practice makes perfect ,voice moderation and learn from the stars keep playing and listening

  6. First try school choir that is the best thing to do.

    then go onto youtube find a song you like and try to mach the notes

    THEN SEARCH YOUTube for the instermental version

    (just the music ) and see if you sound good. You should also drink lots of milk make the voice box produce a laxitive that sooth the 'throught ;lol srry

  7. rock band xD

  8. Record yourself, then listen to the playback

  9. google

  10. exersise your vocal cords hum practice alot be singing 24 7 like i do you can get exersises of google

  11. I have the same problem, too... I just keep singing whenever I feel like it and try to work my voice out better.

  12. Band practise when your not being watched I can sing when I am alone because my mums heard me but when people are around I carnt. Also try the la la la lada opera voice thing it helps.

  13. PRACTICE !!

    && drink lots of water to soften your throat...

  14. like the saying goes  *practice makes perfect*

    Good luck

  15. try breathing exrcises

  16. I have wanted to know the same thing. I am a great singer but not so hot a high notes and I am auditioning for a play soon and I have to sing a song with really high notes.

  17. practice some songs u like and pick the one u sing best at then sing it over again and WATER drink alot of water!!

  18. You sing fine

  19. Listen to some of your favorite songs and try to sing yourself. record your singing in a voice recorder and play it. Find out your mistakes and try to improve it. The most important thing you need is your own interest and goal.

  20. record yourself and listen to where your weaknesses and strengths are. Fix problems and continue recording and listening back until you hear improvements. It Works!

  21. Purchase CD's and books on vocal instruction--there are MANY out there! Then watch yourself in the mirror, record yourself, and be sure that you're being realistic with yourself and smart. Then...start trying to perform aroudn and listen to people's REAL reactions...get the REAL ones--not the "great job" reactions.

    and yes...PRACTICE!!!!

  22. I think Karaoke is a good place to get started.  You can get some great practice performing in front of people and work out singing a lot of different material.

  23. record yourself , and see wher you go rwong.

  24. Well I had heard that if you are confident and believe in yourself you sing better than when you don't. Also working out helps your lungs get bigger so you can hold a note longer. And try to sing whenever you can so your notes get better.

    GOOD LUCK on your singing! =)

  25. Go online there's places that probably tell you the basics but i know some from my coaching: when you sing make sure you always keep the sound in the back of your throat, don't bring it forward.  Relax your throat and your face when you sing.  When you jump notes tuck in your diaphragm b/c it helps to send air to get more power- that is the only way to reach high notes, it is all from the diaphragm.  

    Also recording yourself is a good idea.  I use a program called Audacity you can download it here :  A simple microphone will work and then you can even overlay it with a song you like to make it sound like you are singing instead of the artist!  It also shows you where some of your faults are.  Good Luck!

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