
What is the best way to tell a parent their baby isnt clean?

by  |  earlier

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pk . this isnt about judging any parents skills but i quite need the help here . i am currently watching this baby who is mot of the time stinking from breastmilk and whatnot . she is 5 months old and quite franlky this is gonna go in her advantage . her neck and the back of her ears is always filled with rolled dirt. her nails are so always long she could scratch herself and me . even the inside of her toes . i showed her mom once and she told me it was just from breastmilk . i know but what would you think if she comes like that everyday at 7 am . last time her dad showed a scratch on her tights andi told him those are from her nails and he said i guess. i cleaned her myself but i watch other kids too so i am looking for a nice to tell her mom without hurting her . and the diapers she is using are quite the right size but the fit is not the best . whenever she goes puppy or pee it comes out and it isnt very absorbent . which leaves me to change her a lot . i mentioned this to her and she said it is because she is exclusively on breastmilk but i think it is the diapers . they even give her a rash despite the fact that we change every hour and last time her dad came here and said her diapers are soaking . i said noway i just changed her and he said feel it . i said no wait i will change her in front of you and he saw that it wasnt wet and said . i guess not . i dont know how to tell them the problems i am having with them without hurting them , otherwise i have thought about letting the baby go .

any help would be appreciated . i am a mother too and i might not know a lot but i know a thing or two . so how do i get it out .?




  1. thats so sad...i wish i can help i can relate on trying to tell people something and not hurt their feeling but in this case i have no clue i hope someone else can give you a helpful answer

    good luck

  2. I had that same problem with my niece. My brother and sister in law used to put olive oil in her hair ... and didn't bath her for a few days. The poor baby smelt rotten all the time ... and any time we made comments about it, they just shrugged it off. It was so disgusting!!!

  3. Yeah, I babysat for a little 3 yr old and she was always filthy when her mom and dad brought her to me too. I started just giving her a bath because I knew they weren't doing it. I wasn't having the kid be at my house that long being stinky.

  4. Wow.... that is a tough situation.

    Well...... I guess if it were me..... I would start by saying... "wow.... she's getting soo big.... I definetly think its time to move up  a diaper size."  And maybe they will get the hint and that will help with the messy diapers.

    Or else say that you think they should try a different diaper.... because you believe the scent in this brand is irriatating her bum.

    As far as the long nails.... either you can ask if they mind that you clip them.... and just clip them..... or tell them that "her nails are soo long...... and I saw her rubbing her eyes and I am scared she is going to scratch herself.  Guess she's at that age you need to start clipping them everyday..... they grow sooo fast. "

    As far as the dirty neck and ears.... all babies will get this... its just dead skin rubbing on dead skin.  But..... that's no excuse for them not cleaning it.  I would have a hard time finding the words to say to someone they need to bathe there child more often now...... but maybe you could just say........  She had some really messy diapers today.... I think you better give her a bath tonite.  

    And maybe you could just wipe her down with a wet warm rag ..... and clean up her neck and ears.

    I would start by just hinting at things and see if they get it.  Or else try to throw what you think needs to be done in a light manner..... just as chit chat.

  5. The neck thing - happens to almost EVERY baby.  just something you have to deal with.

  6. my daughter is breastfed and she is ALWAYS clean...I wipe her face after she eats and I bathe her every other day washing out her ears with a wet washcloth and under neck and her armpits.  I change her every hour to two hours depending and she smells like warm vanilla.  So breastfed babies are not just naturally filthy...this mom is lazy and I would put it to her plainly.  I feel that your child needs additional hygeine care.  

  7. I think you have said all you can to them, but they insist on being dirty and neglectful.

    That's yucky.

    My twins did get milk in their neck rolls from feeding and spitup and such, but I cleaned them all the time.

    I was constantly wiping in there with a diaper wipe and then putting a little diaper cream or bag balm in there to keep it from getting irritated.

    You can keep your babies clean.

    I'm always washing their hands and between their toes, trimming their nails....

    I don't think that there is a good excuse for your baby to have lots of junk in their rolls.

  8. I guess maybe I'm rude cause I would have no problem telling them that their baby needs to be bathed more often then she is! that's sad and sick, that little girl shouldn't have to live in her own filth just because she can't clean herself! I'd just tell them flat out! really if you are thinking about dropping her as a 'client' then...

    the worst that will happen is they will stop sending her to you! Some people just need it spelt out for them! if you've already told them in subtle ways then I don't see any other option!!

    good luck!

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