
What is the best way to tell to Buddhist that JWs are not Christians?

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Ruth: Good ; )




  1. The answer gets into what JWs teach in several areas.

    The Person of Jesus is one major difference. JWs believe Jesus was a created being, not God - they teach "a god".

    some interesting articles for you:

  2. You don't, God will soon enough. God Bless:)

  3. Jehovah Witnesses believe that it takes works to get to heaven,not the repentance of sin and excepting Christ's sacrifice for our sins, they also don't believe that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh, they also don't believe in the Trinity. They also believe that the Bible has been corrupted and that God has not kept his word to keep his words clean. There are a lot of differences between the JWs and Christianity, more than I've written in this small answer. I guess the best way to explain the differences is to first show them Christ and then let the holy spirit of God work on their heart.  

  4. Since they are Christians, the best way would be to not tell them.  Why do you feel it necessary to explain one way or another, anyway?

  5. LOL I'm sorry, this just cracked me up for some reason.

    Buddhists do not know what Christians are, how can they?  The Buddhist philosophy is so completely opposite.  I suppose anyone who uses the name of Jesus would be a Christian to them.

  6. Say "Hey deluded Buddhist, deluded JW's are not deluded Christians"!!

  7. Sorry guys, I don't think it won't work. I believe they view us as Christians. Why? Because we strive to do what Jesus did. Active preaching. They see in us what Jesus did when He was on earth. We have missionaries to countries with lots of buddhist. So ma'am, before you could even mislead a buddhist that JW are not Christian, it will be too late. We have asserted our beliefs to them. So go on try convince them =)

    I've encountered a buddhist in our door to door ministry. I got a chance to tell her about what the bible is all about. She was very kind (as compared to those who claim to those who are christians)

    To graartist.. accusing without basis is not a Christian thing to do. We all know that. We don;t believe in salvation thru deeds.

  8. You could start by pointing how they drive up in your yard and ring the doorbell.  No true Christian would drive cars or use door bells.  And their kingdom halls have no windows, I bet they got electric lights in there.

    Then again you could point out that they are really backsliden  Catholics.  

  9. Tell them that no true Scottsman puts sugar on his porridge.

  10. Oh I am pretty sure they know it already.  JW's make it known they are in their own world.  I don't think a Buddhist want anything to do with a JW.

  11. Buddhist believer's don't contemplate on Christians.  They are not deluded.  I am surprise that Isnrblog is rude about another religious belief that does no harm to other religious beliefs.  The buddhist ways are peaceful and humble.  The Jehovah's Witnesses are not rude to the Buddhist.  In fact I am told that they are studying about Buddhist, Tao, Shinto, Hinduism, and so on.  They have sparked an interest in Eastern beliefs.  I have answered a question about that from a Jehovah's Witness.  You all can be surprised but they are being open minded and fair.

  12. Just tell him or her that it's mistake for wrong religion.

    Buddhists are friendly.  They won't bite you.  Please tell them the truth.

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