
What is the best way to train for a 10 mile race at a 7:30 pace if I an doing a 9:00 minute pace now. HELP!?

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the race is in 5 weeks so I truly need help if anyone can help I would sooo use it. What ever it would take just let me know. Also if I would lose about 20 pounds of fat how much would that help.




  1. You aren't going to take 15 minutes off your time in 5 weeks.

    If you would like to improve your time try this:

    Run 4 - one mile repeats on the track at a 7:30 - 7:45 pace. Increase to 5 next week and so on until race day. Jog one lap between each mile. Two laps of jogging before and after the workout itself.

    Three days later -

    Run 4 - 800 meter repeats at 3:15 pace, jog/rest one lap. Increase by one or two each week until race day. Two laps of jogging before and after the workout itself.

    Increase your long run by two miles (max 18 miles) each weekend until race day. Long runs should be at an easy "conversation pace".

    Run each daily workout (excluding long run) before breakfast to simulate race day and to stimulate your metabolism. If you have that much fat to lose then losing it should be part of your goal.

  2. Your goal is commendable.  That's a great goal to try and accomplish over a short period of time.  If you can lose the 20 pounds, that would benefit your overall speed.  However, but sure not to diet in a manner that could put your overall health at risk.

    There are a number of things you can do to try and achieve the 7:30 mark:

    1)  Develop a work-out routine that will allow you to consistently push yourself to better weekly times (e.g. if you plan on running 3 long runs and 3 shorter more aggressive runs, try and push your times in the shorter more aggressive runs so that you can see improvement in your runs)

    2)  Watch your form (make sure you take deep breaths when you run, keep your arms down so you don't exert too much energy, and try to keep a consistent pace)

    3)  Look into long-distance gear (racing shoes, tops, and shorts) so to lose some extra weight while running

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