
What is the best way to train my parrots to stop screaming?

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i have two parrots and theyre great but they dont stop screaming. how can i train them to stop?




  1. There is really only 2 ways to stop them and either one gives them a reason other then simply being a bird.

    You can either give them MORE ATTENTION until they feel like you have fulfilled their needs for it, or you can ignore them to show then their screams do not get any kind of reaction out of you other then to ignore them.

    1 of those 2 ways will work, you just have to try the one that works. Another solution to your being mad at them for it is, simply LEARN to ENJOY your bird's noises and be happy you have birds who are so happy that they are announcing it to the world just like they would if they were out in the wild. Lets face it, birds will be birds and we can't do anything about that other then to love them for it.

  2. Classical conditioning.

    you can use both negative and positive reinforcements.

    Punish promply but reward ramdomly.

    Use an air horn to scream back at them.  When they scream, you scream.  When they are quite or exhibiting good behavior, reward them.

    My other solution involves an air pistol, an open flame, and chipotle sauce.

  3. i have parrots too macaws i try to make them talk to do this every time u see the bird say a word or phrase!

  4. I don't think you can, that's part of the fun. Keep them occupied with lots of activities, provide a lot of stimulation. You could try separating them but that probably wouldn't work and might make them worse. buy a set of earplugs.

  5. shoot it

  6. If you are in the room when they are screaming, put them in the cage and cover it for about 10 minutes.  Do it every time they scream.  If you are not in the room when they are screaming, ignore them.  Don't go in the room to cover them, then they are getting just what they want, attention.  Just totally ignore them when they scream when you are out of the room.  Giving them more attention when they scream will just teach them that they can get you to do what they want if they scream.  So extra attention is not the answer, and it can make the screaming even worse.   I have helped many people cure their birds of screaming by using this method.  Please read my profile.

  7. first don't yell at them for doing it. that just makes it more fun for them.

    try just getting up and covering there cages for 15 min when they do it.

    parrots are way smarter then we give em credit for and they learn quick.

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