
What is the best way to travel 5 days in a moving truck with a guinea pig?

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What is the best way to travel 5 days in a moving truck with a guinea pig?




  1. I've brought my guinea pigs far places, too.

    Use a small cage. Bring of bag of bedding (woodchips or whatever you use), have a bag of guinea food, have a jug of cool tap water. Place the guinea pig in it's cage smoewhere safe...where it won't fall or shake too much...maybe straped into a seat?

    And make sure it's not in the sun, if guinea pigs spent too much time in the sun and heat, they will die.

    Anywayz, good luck. Make sure the guinea pig still get attetion and care!

  2. Buy a small carry cage for the guinea pig, and keep it in a cool place - don't put it in the back of the truck unless it is air conditioned.  When  my kids were small we found that guinea pigs were relatively easy to travel with.  Just pack a small bag with shavings, food, treats, and if you don't have one buy an automatic water bottle to attach to the side of the cage - much cleaner than any other option.

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