
What is the best way to travel from the Rome city center to Tivoli?

by Guest57811  |  earlier

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What is the best way to travel from the Rome city center to Tivoli?




  1. By Train... ask your hotel for a train schedule...

    Tivoli is absolutley beautiful... I reccomend a restaurant to you: "Le Terme di Diana" its a beautiful restaurant... go there for lunch.  Ask someone on the street how to get there... its a pretty small town so they all know where it is!

  2. "Tivoli Tourist Information Office is in Piazza Garibaldi close to the main bus stop and the Villa d'Este. Even if it's closed, you may be able to pick up maps and information.

    Cotral buses run from Rome to Tivoli. Take Metro Linea B to Ponte Mammolo, where you can catch the bus - there are machines, a ticket desk and a newsagent in the station area where you can buy tickets (€1.60 in September 2004), which you then stamp in the machine provided onboard. The journey is approximately 40 minutes long, though it can take longer as traffic is frequently bad. A few buses each day take the autostrada, resulting in the speediest trip."

    See pictures and descriptions here:

    Hope that helps!

  3. Driving along Tiburtina street, that begin near Termini Station, or you can take a bus (50 min) or train (1 hour).

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