
What is the best way to travel to Germany without damaging the environment?

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What is the best way to travel to Germany without damaging the environment?




  1. Get a life Al Gore Junior, FYI Mother Nature does a very efficient job of cleansing the planet, so get off the environmentalist lie wagon, and hop aboard a commercial jet. Have a nice trip.

  2. sailboat

    Good luck and God Bless!!

  3. Catch a sailing yacht in Florida and sail to the Caribbean. From there lots of boats leave for Europe in Mai/June. Or try to find a cargo ship in a big east coast port that takes you over there - but that's usually more expensive than flying. Or book an emty seat on a plane to make the fuel usage worth while.

  4. Honestly?  Walk or Bike.  Otherwise, take a plane and then use trains & subways whenever possible.  : )

  5. Tyrus the one that should get a life is here maybe brain to go with so you can start thinking a bit.

    It is a perfectly reasonable question.

    In Germany the public transport is realy good aranged. So you can use it and cause the least harm to environment. Besides that the network of bike roads is realy developed as well. You can easily find maps of the bike roads in the shops in Germany and make a tour.

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