
What is the best way to treat a cat that is really sick

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my cat is really sick. his name oscar and he has flea allergies. he has a whole lot of fleas and hes hair less around his pubic area. his whole body is a flaky except for his stomach and is really skinny. i still dont see his bones except his sholder blades come out when he walks.hes been sleeping alot lately and i think its just stress cuz i live in a family of 10 and they always pick them upsince hes so nice. he is breething normal and my mom doesnt have any time to go to the vet and if we do im scared he will have to go to sleep. Please help on what should i do. and please give good detail. AND HES NOT DIEING!!!!




  1. Get rid of the fleas take him to the vet, and get him some shampoo for cats with dry skin or take him to a groomer. First get rid of fleas and go to a vet.

  2. OSCAR SERIOUSLY NEEDS THE ATTENTION OF A VET - AND SOON.  How dya know he is not dying, someone like a vet told you that?  Get him to the vet, there are enough people in your household, take him please, just in case he is actually suffering.

  3.   You say he is not dieing but cats get anemia from untreated fleas and they can die. He seriously needs to go to the vets

  4. Bring him. To the vet. ESPECIALLY IF YOU CARE ABOUT HIM! If he's really skinny, feed it some kitten food since it makes them grow faster. IO mean, really, if you care about it, bring it to the vet rather than let it suffer. Also, that's disgusting with the flea thing, since he can give it to your whole family. You can't treat him well at home. So either bring him to the vet or the humane Society where it will get the care it needs and a family that will take better care of it then you.

  5. By nature, animals prefer being left alone when they're sick.  It sounds like he definitely needs medical attention, though. The over the counter flea meds. can sometimes make them worse, as I found out first hand, eventually taking her to a vet to save her.  Better see a vet, soon. If you can't afford that, go to a humane society or ASPCA branch.

  6. take him to the vet!!!!

  7. Show your Mom the responses you have received here at Yahoo and hopefully she will find the time to go to the vets.  Oscar is ill and he needs treatment.

    Relieving him of fleas and treatment for the flea allergy is usually not too expensive and will make such an improvement in his life.  With proper treatment it's quite likely he will recover quickly.

    Also, I would try to call a family meeting and try to get everyone to agree to give Oscar a break and let him recover.

    Good Luck and you are showing that you are truly a responsible and loving pet owner!

  8. He needs to see a vet. Fleas make a cat sick. Flaking skin is a good sign of illness. If Mom can't take him to the vet, there's ten people in your household. Try a bus, or taxi, but don't let him suffer.

  9. Do you notice your cat drinking and peeing a lot lately?  If so he may have feline diabetes.  His blood sugar could be high.  He has some of the other symptoms.  If its a flea allergy and you know that for sure, he will need to go to a vet to be de-flead and put on a flea medication. Have his blood checked to see if he has diabetes.  If he does, check out the website: for help.  It's very controllable.  Hope he is doing well very soon.

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