
What is the best way to treat a cat with asthma?

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A friend's indoor cat (little exercise) has asthma. His vet says he should make it swim to give it some exercise and "clean everything out". Sounds strange to me. Any comments or other ideas?





  1. I have an asthmatic cat and this is what we do and have done to make things better for him. My cat had several episodes before we realized what was going on with him. His last one had him ending up at the emergency vet clinic on steroids and oxygen. After getting over that we brought him home and kept him in one room with an small air cleaning unit going. We finally narrowed it down to certain perfumed odors that set him off. The reason that the vet says to clean everything up that dust often sets off asthmatic cats. My cat was placed on Prednisone tablets for maintenance and Terbutaline for emergencies. Since he was such a bad asthmatic and would have to have medication for the rest of his life we now have him on a Flowvent inhaler that we give him every night. He is now doing fine and no more asthma. It does sound like this kitty isn't such a bad case as my cat so perhaps the vet doesn't feel the need to medicate, but I would feel uneasy about that. I feel like all asthmatic cats should be on at least a little maintenance medication just like people asthmatics have to do. Hope this has helped.

  2. put him in a oven and turn it all the way up... The singing and dancing is plenty entertaining

  3. Umm, the whole "swim" idea - sounds really weird and stupid to me. I think your friend needs a new vet. My cat also has asthma - it's hard to say, it depends on how "bad" the asthma is. If your cat is active and has a good appetite and generally isn't affected by the asthma - it is not that bad. However, if your cat is affected on a regular basis by the asthma the cat may either need to take a pill or use an inhaler. The inhaler is harder and you should consult a vet first - but one that knows that swimming doesn't get rid of asthma. You have to monitor your cat - pay attention, becuase the vet doesn't live w/ your cat so you need to be able to explain how and when the asthma negatively affects your cat so that they can properly remedy the condition for your cat.

  4. There are references to asthma as early as the time of Hippocrates. The word asthma is of Greek origin and refers to the act of panting or breathing hard. Hippocrates, according to his writings, thought the panting or breathing hard was caused by the environment. We know now that asthma is an allergy aggravated by triggers such as plants, smoke, mold, dust and mildew just to name a few. He was right on and way ahead of his time.

       However, it was also refered to as the "city disease" in early american history. People dont realize this, but an immune system response (like asthma) is not an ultimatum. It is your body telling you something is wrong.


        The cat isnt getting what it needs. Greens are very important in an animals diet. Chlorophyl, vitamins, minerals--very important to animal health. If it is going to be exposed to the air at all it needs these things. Vitamins are immune system boosters. Enzymes help our cells to absorb nutrients properly. Kitty isnt getting either of these in enough abundance.

       Solution: Wheat grass, vitamin C in water (you can get this from a specialty petfood store or a health food store) and if wheezing is to the point where breathing is troubled, dilute eucalyptis oil ten drops to a half cup of olive oil and eye drop the mixed solution into its mouth. The eucalyptis oil will automatically open inflamed bronchial tubes.

       Swimming? That'l give it a good panic! I dont recommend!

  5. that seems a little odd unless the cat already enjoys swimming.  start by decreasing the food by 10% and increase the activity a little by little.  my cat is on albuterol.  and actually really hasn't needed it in the last few months.  I tried taking him off of it and it has been about 4 months since I consistantly was giving him albuterol and he hasn't had an attack in over a year now.  

    when he was first diagnosed with asthma I would get out the string toy and sit down and play with my cats and sometimes I would only be able to play with them for 5 mins before he started mouth breathing but as time went by and he was on the albuterol and starting to loose some weight now I tire before he does.

  6. my friends cat has asthma, and is on a puffer, might want to ask the vet about that...

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