
What is the best way to treat your girl friend when in school?

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I really love my girl friend a school, but im not sure if i treat her as well as i could. I do pay plenty of attention, but i dont exactly give her gifts as much as other people do cause im not exactly rich. Do you think that she would be all that bothered?




  1. material items arent the only thing girls care about. if she was in it for the money she would have left u by now and moved on to someone else. and she hasnt yet has she? so u have no need to worry. besides its more about the time u spend together, more than anything else. u can always take her out to picnics and stuff like that if u want to show her u love her. or u could just ask her if it bothers her that u cant give her any nice gifts.

  2. tell her abt that and how it makes you feel and maybe you should give it and your relationship some room too breathe if your always together at school when can her friends come along and talk and give her w/ ever and where did all youre friends go  dont blow them off  space is good in all relationships  look at it as thats hy tou want to get out of the house yea.. think abt. it little breatheng room  goes a long way  ROC

  3. why don't you tell her that you love her and hold her hand in the hallways and stuff and she should understand that you like her a lot

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