
What is the best way to try new clothes on my son?

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my son is almost a year old and i just finished his winter shopping and i'm having a devil of a time getting him to sit still long enough for me to try the clothes on him and at times he doesn't want to stand up long enough for me to see the length of the pants on him. should i feed him and get him full and then try the clothes on (hoping he'll be more lethargic). i'm afraid to feed him and then try it on because i don't want him to drool or spit up in case i have to return something. 2 outfits took 10 minutes to try on and i've got a bunch more to get through before i clean house. what's the easiest way for me to try these clothes on him?

i should also add that he's walking and able to stand up straight, he's just acting like his father and making things more difficult by being contrary lol.




  1. Most stores usually give you a time frame of when you can bring clothes back so do a little at a time maybe right after you take out of the bath tub when he's used to getting dressed might be a good time to try a couple on. And the ones that are the same but maybe a different color you can just try on one and you'll know about the rest. I used to have the same problem with my daughter now she's almost four and loves to try clothes on.

    I don't understand why people are saying why try the clothes on him he is too small everything doesn't always fit the same.

  2. Why are you trying clothes on him,i never heard someone of doing this....if you tried on one outfit then the rest should fit fine, stop wasting your time.

  3. Give him a piece of candy when he lets you put something on him..

    a little piece.

  4. i always take the clothes that i get, and not take them off the hangers, but just lay the shirt up against his back, and measure the shoulder width, and the length that way. the same for the pants. i just hold them up to his waist, and see if they go half way around, to see how wide the waist is, compared to my kids waist.

    i totally know that it takes alot of patience and time to change your kid into clean clothes. haha i've had times where it took me close to a half an hour to get clothes on him. lets not even talk about how long it takes to get his teeth brushed, his hair brushed, and his face washed. haha i read in a magazine one time, that you just have to expect it will take you longer to do things, with an infant or toddler around.

    haha just hang in there... he will soon be wanting to it all by himself!

    best of luck to you

  5. It really doesn't matter what you "try on" now, it isn't winter yet, and kids grow like weeds!  I never tried my kids clothes on.  If they were in an 18 mos and they still fit, that is what I bought for the next season.  If they were getting small, I bought the next size up.  If you over spent, take it back and buy a couple of things until you know what his size is going to be when the time comes to wear the stuff.

  6. I also don't try clothing onto my children in general.  Kid clothes aren't cut the same as our clothing - they are pretty much all the same in cut so they can be compared with one another.

    I would try on one or two outfits to find ones that you like the fit of and then just compare the clothes to each other as best you can.  Realize that its still all guess work especially after 12 months where some kids continue to grow quickly and others slow down and don't grow much per month.  

    Also - I have found it way more useful to look at the height portion of the size of kids clothes then the weight (unless you have a super skinny or chubby baby).

  7. I wouldn't buy clothes until they need them.  Children that age grow quickly and the winter clothes that you buy now may very well not fit when it starts getting cold.  If you do this, there won't be a need to have 'fittings' and try out sessions, just dressing him in the morning like every other day.

  8. Try taking a shirt and a pair of pants they fit him already and use them to hold other clothing up to it to match the sizes. Kids that little don't need to try on clothing. They are made with elastic waistbands and stuff so they can fit comfortably. You should be able to accurately compare the clothes to something you know fits him well. I've never had a problem this way. Oh, and if you are buying ahead of time remember that they grow quickly and you need to go up a size or 2.

  9. Good luck with that one.  I always had to try to dress my son in the clothes when I wanted him to wear them then find out that they were either still too big or he had already outgrown them!  Now he is 3 and I still can't get him to try clothes on - I think it's a boy thing cause I have a problem getting my hubby to try anything on!

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