
What is the best way to tune out someone who's screaming & crying hysterically because their life sucks?

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What is the best way to tune out someone who's screaming & crying hysterically because their life sucks?




  1. I walk off and don't talk to them until they get their act together and realize that only they can make a difference in their own life. Whining never solves the problem.

  2. I find it gets progressively easier as my life proceeds to tune those out who are only trying to get attention. Just think about something else, or put your iPod on.

  3. get stoned you'll just zone out listening and miss it all. lol

  4. You could try listening to music... If that doesn't work out, you could just change the subject.

  5. Just think to yourself "Sucks to be you" and make an effort at keeping a straight face.....really hard. It will kind of look like you're concerned.

  6. Just walk away... Later you can explain that you cannot concentrate on what he/she is saying when hysterical or screaming.


    My inner peace is destroyed when you act that way. When you can calmly discuss the problem, I am here for you.

  7. Take your foot off the back of his neck, stop kicking him, and walk away.

    Leave the funeral before you have to greet the widow and the parents.

    Shut your office door -- security will escort him out quickly once he packs up his personal belongings.

  8. maybe tuning in would help them more,or perhaps you could point out that it really aint that bad and they is over reacting.

  9. give them a hug and love on them. actually take time out of your life and invest into their life. Anything from monetary, emotional to spiritual needs. Show them that there is more to live for than one life event, milestone or hurdle that is currently halting their journey through life. WE ALL HAVE BAD DAYS. Life gets better. I'm not going to lie, I have had some really tough times growing up. I've been everywhere from anorexic, bulimic to suicidal. I never gave up because I always had that little bit of hope saying, "What will the future have in store for me?" Nothing is more precious than human life. Period.

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