
What is the best way to unclog a toilet without a plunger?

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What is the best way to unclog a toilet without a plunger?




  1. Pour hot just boiled water into the toilet. Wait a bit and then try flushing. My mom used to do this when I was a kid and it worked everytime.

  2. If you have a shop vac or a vacuum that blows out. Stick the hose down in there and it will blow any blockage out and down the pipe. Make sure you flush the toilet first or you will have water all over the place.

  3. poor a bucket of water in to bowl

  4. Using your foot.

  5. use your hand...

  6. Besides reaching you hand into the toilet?

    I don't think there is any answer to this question that could be called "best"

  7. You can get one of those oggers (bad spelling).  They're those industrial plungers that go all the way in the pipe.  It's kinda like a metal snake that you push down through and the water goes down instantly.

  8. your tounge

  9. stick your head down and suck the **** out of the pipe :D

  10. Get a bucket of water, and dump it into the toilet quickly.

    That's what we do. Sometimes it takes twice for it to work, but it almost always works on the first time.

  11. Like "OH YEA" said...pour a big bucket of water in there!!!!

  12. C-4

  13. cover your nose ........

  14. What else can you use?

  15. somebody had too much beans lol

  16. use your hands.... or mouth which ever you prefer

  17. Use a a wire one that you can pull apart

  18. God gave you two handy tools.  Haha..get it....handy!

  19. draino

  20. I use the toliet brush. I just stick it all the way into the hole where everything flushes down then i flush and i super quickly pull it out as fast as i can while its still filling with water and it unclogs. The pressure of the brush being pulled out fast creates a pressure bubble that sends whatever is blocking your toilet down the drain.

  21. Use a wooly headed type of mop.

  22. a mop

  23. get a bucket of water & spill it in the toilet all the power will make it go down

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