
What is the best way to use a hair shampoo and conditioner?

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Do you put on the shampoo on first, scrub, wait and then put on the conditioner? Do you Do the same but with the conditioner on first? Do you put them both on the same time? Or do you have your own ways of doing it? I'm trying to find the best way to use the Shampoo and conditioner. Thanks for contributing!




  1. put on shampoo, scrub, rinse off with cold water, then apply conditioner to the ends of your hair( this is because the ends are the only part that need conditioning, they are dryer compared to the roots, the roots produce more oil to condition that part naturally) leave on for 2 minutes, then rinse off with cold water.  Yeah it might be freezing for a minute but cold water closes the cuticles and smooths the hair and makes it shiny.

  2. You scrub your hair with shampoo.

    Wash it out.

    Then you put on the conditioner on.

    keep it on there for about 3 minutes.

    then wash it out.


  3. uh.. no. you rinse the shampoo and then put on the conditioner.. read the directions much?

  4. okay so i cant beleive you cant wash your hair but hey; wet hair, put on shampoo rub lightly (too hard and you will stimulate your subathus gland and it will produce more 'grease'), rinse to water runs clear, repeat if hair is very dirty, then when clear of shampoo condition massage sclap lightly leave on for a couple of mins then rinse very well, with cold water to close the cutical, so all conditioner is out or hair will be very light

    hope this helps

  5. umm ok this is kinda a g*y question sry butw/e umm u usually read the back the bottle n it helps mine says wet shapoo rinse repeat then conditioner says to apply after shampoo and leave in for about 1 minute

  6. Okay so normally you wet your hair, add a little blob of shampoo to your palm and rub together, then rub onto your hair.  Massage in a little, then rinse off completely.  then use the conditioner by starting the same way - rubbing together in hands, then apply but only onto the ends of your hair, because it will make your roots greasy.

    A good tip if you use a lot of products to style your hair and get lots of product build-up is to do a 'dry-run' which is where you put the shampoo in your palms and lather onto your hair BEFORE wetting it.  This is effective for getting stubborn products out.

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