
What is the best way to wash jeans so they don't shrink?

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Even when I follow the care label to a T, my jeans still shrink! I got a new pair today and I'm determined not to let these shrink. What's the best way to wash/dry/whatever?




  1. Wash your jeans with your favorite laundry detergent and cold water

    and dry them on the lowest setting on your dryer.

  2. Wash in cold then dry 1/2 way- hang up near your air vent etc or where air circulates! Great for keeping all clothes the size you got them and saves energy too! Use it for all our clothes!  

  3. first wash them in cold water only then, DONT put them in the dryer. this is what causes them to shrink all the time. hang them up somewhere and they should be dry the next day or so. even though it will take a long time, it will help your problem. when your jeans are done drying they may be stiff, but just iron them and they will get comfortable again. this might help.

  4. Wash them only in cold water. Then put them in the dryer for only about 20 minutes then hang them on a hanger to finish drying!

  5. Use Cold Water only.

  6. Wash in cold water only and let air dry. Also, be sure to add liquid fabric softener to the wash water (rinse cycle) so that your jeans do not become stiff as a result from the air drying.

  7. ~~Best care of jeans is to wash them inside out (protects the color) on cold water, then put in the dryer on low heat just till damp dry. If you don't have a setting for this then check them every 15 minutes till you know how long it takes to reach the damp dry stage. Then you can hang them to air dry. They won't be stiff as total air drying seems to cause, and the shrinking does not take place until the clothing is actually getting dry.~~

  8. Wash them in cold water and hang them on a clothes line.  On a sunny day the jeans will be dry in a matter of hours.

  9. cold water  

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