
What is the best way to wire my sub?

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I have an elemental designs nine.1 mono amp that is 1 x 450W @ 4 ohms, 1 x 900W @ 2 ohms, 1 x 1200W @ 1 ohm.. my sub is a dual 4ohm 600Watt RMS rockfordfosgate T1.. should i wire the sub series or parallel and what should i set the gain at to get the most out of the amp without overpowering the sub?




  1. I would wire it in parallel for a 2ohm load, the sub will be getting 900watts. If you wired it in series you would only get 225watts.

    Now for the gain... gain level on the amp is to be matched with the voltage level coming from the headunit. You can use a volt/multi meter to get the proper level or go to Your local car audio dealer and have one of the technicians set it for you.

    OR you could set it yourself... just turn the gains all the way down, then put on a cd at low to moderate volume, and gradually raise the gain until you hear distortion. The moment you hear distortion back the gain off just a hair to get rid of the distortion. Generally if you have gone over 3/4 on the gain level you have gone way too far.

    Now for your application, seeing as your amp has 300watts over what you need @ 2ohms... I would keep the gains real low, probrably around 1/4. And during "showing-off" I would only turn the gains up for a brief moment due to the power level of your amp, PLEASE DON'T KEEP IT UP FOR LONG.

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