
What is the best weapon to defend yourself with?

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Besides a gun, I am only 19 btw.




  1. A knife. This is comming from me and I served as a federal LEO for about 5 years prior to a surgurey that forced me to resign. The reason for this weapon being the most effective of them all is because stats show that a knife against a gun wins 80% of the time. The time it takes a trained police officer to draw his firearm to an attacker weilding a knife in most cases means that the officer will either get cut or killed. It is the fastest weapon to use and if you are trained properly with a knife you have an edge on almost any attacker unless of coarse there is a gun pointed at your head. Pepper spray works well also but you need to have a permit to carry it. Check with your loacl police department to find out the documents you need to carry it. Pepper spray will put a guy my size on there kneees within seconds. I had to get the stuff right in my face during the police acadamy and maintain weapon controle at the same time. It sucks, it burns and I dont care who you are you will be blinded from it. You can also look into kubatons that can be placed on your keychain. These are used as pressure point attack weapons and are very effective if you know how to use them. Vital areas such as eyes, temple, throat, plexus, groin, peronial nerve ect. Know that if you ever use a knife that you can kill a person and the aplication of deadly force is very strict in it's use weather for a LEO or a civilian. Stun guns work pretty good as well but again, check with your local police department to find out the laws of use. I got nailed by a 500,000 volt gun or so it claimed and it put a hurting on me. I didnt drop to the ground but it was enough to give the person a chance to flee if they ever used it. Alwasy remember, getting away from the situation is the key. I teach rape prevention and Martial arts. Been at Hapkido for over 22 years, taught hand to hand combat in the USMC, faught in 2 combat conflicts and served as a police officer and even at 6'5 303lbs I will still to this day only do enough to get away from an attacker no matter what the case is and allow the police to take things into there hands from that point. Good luck to you and I hope this helps you with your question.

  2. Common sense and awareness are your best forms of defense.  Be aware of your surroundings.  i.e.  who's around, what are they doing, where you are in relation to them.  Military training teaches you the proper way to react to certain situations.  This goes for the civilian world too.  Me, for example:  I always run though my head possible solutions to any scenario that could arise.  For example, you're eating inside a McDonalds.  I like to look around and see my possible exits and prepare myself in case there's a fire or someone attempts to rob the place.  Same thoughts go for when I'm inside a gas station.

    Now I'm not saying be paranoid of those around you, but always be alert.  As the Army says: "Stay alert, stay alive"

  3. Your brain.

  4. your wits. seriously.  if you aren't anywhere you shouldn't be, if you don't go out alone.  if you plan ahead on how to escape situations you may accidentally find yourself in then that is the best way to defend yourself. any weapon you could conceivably carry can be taken away and used against you.  

  5. a well placed facial....ive watched many a video where a guy puts a facial on a girl, and she's so distracted by how disgusting it is, he has a chance to make his escape....

  6. Pepper spray can blow back in your face.   It also is a real danger if you are in your car and someone tries to grab you.   You may be able to spray him but you will get some also and may be unable to drive away.   Pepper spray also has a limited shelf life.  Too often people buy it and stick it in their car or purse where it sits for years,  losing its potency.  

    Get a hand held stun gun.   If they are not close enough to grab you,  you do not really need to do anything.  If they do grab you, you can zap them repeatedly until they fall down.   Then you can either get away or just keep zapping them until the cops arrive.

  7. well to be honest im suprised no one said it yet but i would say a stun might think it's for *******...but for example it can take a full grown man no matter how big and bad they think they are to the ground's non-lethal as been adopted by almost all police departments....a gun the attacker could take it from you and click your dead....the stun gun is non lethal like i said the only chance of being killed by it would be a child or elder or if you have heart basically you use it not like using a gun killing the attacker and going to prison for murder....and in the world we live in today were a person can break into your home get injured in the process and sue you...yes it happened!!!

  8. For home defense...I personnal would say a 12 gauge Shotgun...Very versitile...Can use slugs, 00 buck (5-7 lead balls the sive of a .38) or birdshot....The sound of a round being chambered is very intimidating...and when your looking at it ... It's very scary...AS for a pistol...A lot of individuals like an automatic...but if you learn how to shoot...a SW .357 revolver...will drop anything and they won't get up...

  9. A knife

  10. Whatever stops your enemy before you get hurt.

    Doesnt matter if it is a knife, pole-arm, sword, or a well thrown rock (see that story in the Bible....).  As long as you can stop the other guy, you win.

  11. Dirty Harry said this is the most powerful hand gun in the world and at this range will blow your head clean off

    That's the Weapon

  12. nuke

    seriously, any weapon that you are skilled with and willing to use for self defense .. and ready to take consequences from using that weapon

  13. A radio and the combined might of the USAF and Navy stacked up every 1000 feet over your pos.

  14. Your brain. Learn to use it, then go find a weapon.

  15. you're intelligence.

  16. I recommend Pepper Spray.

    The chances of causing permanent injury are essentially zero, and it will give you time to escape from the attacker.

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