
What is the best website for Indian freelance writers to network and enhance their careers?

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Hi, I was looking for a nice website where Indian freelance writers could congregate and learn from each other. Found a few online groups but most of them were inactive. Plus, I am not looking for just a community or a social networking site. I am looking for a comprehensive solution for Indian freelancers. Can you help?




  1. If you can't find a site, why not create one! It seems like there would be a big demand for such a website.

    You could also check out the link library of freelancing sites in the Freelance Buddy freelancer's guide...

    It sounds like you want a freelancing site with a forum that is focused on the Indian market. As far as I can tell there isn't one...yet!!!

  2. Hi Austin_writer, I am an American based in Bangalore. And a few months ago, I searched for such a website. Could not find it. But recently, I found this great website that lets Indian writers network with each other and review each others' work. They also offer Courses and some kind of certification too. Check it out.

    Yeah, if the name sounds familiar to you, it is because the wesbite is run by the folks from, a content and design firm. Most Indian writers have heard of Chillibreeze by now.

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