
What is the best website to find intense raw war footage?

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i want like marines kicking in doors actual intense killing. Im trying to decide if its what i want to do when i grow up and i need to see the brutal truth.




  1. Why would you assume that the USMC  is all about killing and busting down doors?

    We do not need kids with your mentality..I dont want you anywhere near me if your into intense killing as you put it..

    Grow up first then learn about what it means and takes to be a Marine.

  2. . . .

    intense killing eh

    not the job for the faint...

  3. Intense killing huh....then join. Because for some reason you want to see dead bodies you sicko

  4. Bravo Lavadog!

    I said something similar to what I'm about to write in an earlier question but the poster of that question took down the question...

    Here's the brutal truth: Little boy, you're naive, young, and stupid. You don't understand what honor is and you certainly don't know a thing about sacrifice. If you think that being a Marine is all about killing and "fun" (as the youth likes to call war nowadays), you're going to be in for a major surprise, that is if you have what it takes to wear the Marine uniform. I'll tell you about war: It's about donating your soul and the blob of flesh that your soul occupies to a cause that you do not get to choose. You do not have "fun" in the Marines, you do not have "sadness" in the Marines, you do not have any emotions whatsoever when you are in the Marines once you step onto that field. Once you step onto that field, you are no longer the once emotional being that you use to be when you were a civilian. Instead, you are a cold, heartless machine that does what is told and doesn't think about it. If you have to kill someone, you do it, but you don't think anything about it and you certainly don't find it fun. That is if you want to be successful. If any extreme emotion runs through you on the battlefield at any crucial moment, I'll tell you right now, you will fail and your chances of dying or being severely maimed are significantly increased. So, the next time that you think that what Hollywood or any other poor excuse re-enactment of war, shows you, is real. Think twice. Because the moment that you get your jollies from watching another person die could be the moment that your head enters somebody elses cross hairs. My opinion, you're not fit for the job in any way, shape or form until you grow up and understand what you're talking about.

    Now, I could write a book about this but I'm just feeling d**n lazy right about now, so, that alone should give you an idea of what I feel about what you have to say.

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