
What is the best weed killer?

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i have these white flower things in my front yard and i talked to a bunch of people about them and they said that their roots can go down 4 feet ive sprayed weed killer on them before and they go away and then come back next year any suggestions?




  1. Hands down the best,in link.If you follow directions "weed-be-gone" is a viable option.

    My Best

  2. Look for the active chemical Glycosophate.  It is the chemical in roundup.  You can find the same stuff without the brand name much cheaper.

  3. I had to clean the concrete on my front porch this year.... It required an extra strong cleanser and it warned to "protect plants".  So... If all else fails, use some of this stuff and then cover it with weed fabric to keep the stuff from coming back up.

  4. HI-YIELD killzall it is stronger than roundup.  it is 41% glyphosate.

  5. Roundup is what I use, and you DO have to use it pretty much every year but it works and works well.  

  6. Joel is half right, the chemical is Glyphosate...  

  7. What is the best weed killer?

    A spouse catching you. LOL *kidding*

    Seriously though try round up. It works well. You will have to use it again next year but it keeps them away longer

  8. brush be gone by Ortho

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