
What is the best weedkiller to kill off stingy nettles ferns etc?

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What is the best weedkiller to kill off stingy nettles ferns etc?




  1. A goat.

    Really..... mean chemically???  Hmmm...

    Did you know: Stinging Nettle  has an interesting history as a useful plant. Fresh leaves were collected before they flowered, then dried completely, crushed and steeped in water to make a tea. When new leaves were collected in spring, and boiled in several changes of water, the resulting greens were said to make a good sprinach substitute.

    Stems and leaves steeped raw in a bucket of water for 24 hours released the formic acid  (the stuff that causes the "sting")....into the water. The stems are then removed and the water used as an organic pesticide and applied to plants with mites or aphids.

    First Nations used the pithy stems to make string and rope for fishnets, snares and tumplines.

    The plant is also useful to wldlife. Red Admiral Butterflies lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves so the young will have a meal as soon as they hatch. Look for the holes they chew in the leaf ....maybe you are lucky enough to have them!

    How about that goat???

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