
What is the best workout plan for a rugby player?

by  |  earlier

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i'm fit i just think i need to get bigger and quicker. any responses would be great.




  1. run al least an hour a day, then work in strenght your legs (carrying somebody at full speed, climbing hills, pushing against others, jump obstacles) and some weight training for the upper part of the body.

  2. If anything strong legs will prove priceless as the season wears on, also strengthening your neck, shoulder and back muslces will help prevent injury,

    You dont have to be huge (if so take large doses of whey protein after your workout) as long as you are fit especially in your legs then you will be fine. Making it to each break down without being tired will get you noticed more.

  3. A season,playing  in good old Southland (NZ) Rugby club competition..if that don`t harden you up mate, nothing will..

  4. I came across this site and they seem to give pretty good advice for beginners, intermediate and advance level players as well as nutrition and preseason training.

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