
What is the best workout to get better at rugby?

by Guest59195  |  earlier

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What is the best workout to get better at rugby?




  1. If you wanted to pin it to any one machine, i would say a stronger workout on a rowing machine. Contrary to popular  belief huge strength wont help you (unless you are a pro) to the average club play to be simply fit and healthy and a strong runner can prove fantastic results. The rowing machine exercises countless muscles, 20 mins on that and you'll struggle but when you take the field you will be flying. Tread mills arent great, you also need to be out on the field.

    But do an all-round workout, each person finds different results from different workouts

  2. You need a FULL BODY workout.  Here is a decent site.

  3. I play for england u18s, there we focus on core strength(abs and lower back) for the power, shoulders and most importantly legs, anything for them will boost your chances of being a better rugger player...

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