
What is the best/worst sighns in the horoscope?

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i think the best is aquarius

and the worst is sags

wut do u think is the worst/best?




  1. There is no best/worst sign in the horoscope. They are all good.

  2. Everybody's answer will be different, because every sun sign sees every other sun sign differently. There will be no one general answer here. For example, an Aries will see a Scorpio differently than say a Gemini would.  

  3. I can't say any one is bad.  I'm a Virgo, but I don't care for Aries personalities, per se.  I get along best with a Cancer, Taurus or Capricorn.

  4. This type of question just fosters ill will among people and does not really have a right answer anyway. If you have a personal grudge against Sags because your dad was one, you are blocking out a lot of potential love from some wonderful people.

    Hopefully you will learn to give everyone a chance until they prove that they don't deserve it instead of basing your dislike on one person. Each of our star charts are incredibly diverse and complex...there's so much more to a person than their Sun.

  5. bEST - ARIES

    worst - taurus, virgo or capricorns,,, there all so dull and BORING

  6. All of the signs have their good and bad traits.. Here's a list of the things I like/dislike about each sign:

    Aries- Go-getter/can be brash

    Taurus- Stable & Dependable/acts childish at times

    Gemini- Charming/Moody

    Cancer- Caring/Also moody & emotional

    Leo- Knows how to treat people well/can be demanding & drama queens/kings

    Virgo- great workers, good at remembering things and keeping people on task/ extremely critical

    Libra- Fun, loving people/ don't know how to assert their own identity or choose things for themselves

    Scorpio- also go-getters and I admire their intensity/ unforgiving

    Sagittarius- Intelligent & Philosophical/ can be flighty (esp. about finishing or doing things)

    Capricorn- Stoic ( I actually like that about them) but still caring/ Sometimes too sensitive

    Aquarius- Unique & Fun/ can be egotistical and self-centered

    Pisces- Good with people/can be indecisive like Libra and also not know how to assert their own identity.

    Personally, I get along best with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, and usually Pisces, and worst with Cancer and Virgo.

  7. Best Charmer: Libra

    Best Homemaker: Taurus

    Best Seductress: Taurus

    Best at Getting Revenge: Scorpio

    Best at being a Perfectionist:  Virgo

    Best at being s**y: Scorpio

    Best Sensualist:  Taurus

    Best at forgetting about a love lost:  Tie between Gemini & Libra

    Best sign for stamina:  Taurus

    Best at being materialistic:  Capricorn

  8. Why are you picking on us Sags?  The last sign and according to astrology [if you are into that] this fire sign is the only sign that is compatable with all the other signs.  If you trying to capture a sags and contain it that would be a big problem, we are flighty but if we commit to you we will come back - just like a bird.  According to astrology we do tend to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but we also say the right thing at the right time ---- And we are great sexual partners and loyal.  Actually there is no best and worst sign - only people can be their best of their worst.  As a sag I try to work on my faults every day.

  9. LOL well i dont dislike any, but from most to least, this is the order of the signs i like the best =]













    Some sags may be too cocky or hot-tempered, and some may even be hard to trust, but the others are the bestest and funest friends you can have. =] I guess your dad was a messed up sag, but you never know when its going to be the last time you see him, so if you love him just dont ever tell him u hate him...


  10. LOL...I would almost agree with you on that - I am a Sag - LOL!

    I think they all have their own strengths and weaknesses..equally - I couldn't choose one to be the best or the worst...

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