
What is the better bus route to Uttarkashi-From Hardwar or from Dehradun?

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regarding quality of road and frequency of operations




  1. Route is from Haridwar.

    Dehra Dun is in a Valley, off the route.

    Sumo or pay per seat taxis are also OK.

    Contact Uttarkhand State Tourism Dept. Go to a Govt site. They will have details.

    try links given

  2. frm deharadun

  3. My Dear

    Traveller is this

    From Dehradun-

    Dehradun to rishikesh-30 kms

    Rishikesh to Chamba by Narendernagar-60 kms

    Chamba to Chinyali Saur- 90 kms

    Chinyali Saur to Uttarkashi-30 kms

    And from Haridwar

    35 Kms Rishikesh and again same route

  4. Haridwar via Rishikesh-Devpryag-onward to Uttarkashi.

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