
What is the between a 14 year old and a 18 year old dating and?

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a 20 year old dating a 24 year old its the same age difference so what is the big deal.

I asked this out of curiosity




  1. there is a huge difference because the 20 and 24 are mature enough to handle what ever comes their way unlike the 14 year old and the 18 the 14 year old do not have enough maturity to keep up with that kind of relationship and plus the 18 year old cam go to jail and some can get you into a lot of trouble simply because they are matured and it sometimes won't work for example the 18 year old want to go to the club and he/she is legal and the 14 yrs old is not therefore they cnt go and dis continues and the 18 yrs old get tired of it and they'll just leave u and go sometimes and dat brings a lot of problems. now the 14 years old aint suppose 2 be experiencing those problems at that age and school should only be their problem at dat age and it can also get the 14 yrs old to start slacking off at school and get him/her self into trouble by possibly trying to do wat the 18 yrs old is doing....

  2. There's a huge difference, just be friends for now

  3. Exactly, no difference.

    It is only that in most USA states - legal age of sexual consent is 16. (for whatever weird reason)

    In Europe most countries have a legal age of conset set at 14 and some even 13.

  4. It is not age but maturity.  Many 14-17 year old think they are more mature than they are. I know I thought i was.   There is still lots to experience and do and you can't fully understand a relationship.  Also the mentality of a 14 year old, especially a girl, is more to pleasing and not loosing their mate.  They loose themselves and can be talked into doing things they don't want to do.  Not necessarily s*x lot of other things.  

  5. the difference in years is the same but the difference in maturity is way different. 14 is really young for an 18 year old to be dating. its rape. its not good. 20 & 24 isnt as bad b/c they at least have graduated high school so they are closer to the same page mentally

  6. Yes, it's true that they both are just 4 years apart, but think about it: a 14 year old is a kid who's just learning how to handle life. They are young, they are having fun. An 18 year old is a legal adult. Taxes, college, driving, jobs, the whole 9 yards. They are experiencing different lives. Between 20-24, you are both legal, you both have jobs, maybe in college, et cetera. IT"S DIFFERENT  

  7. The years are the same, but if you look at is as a fraction of that person's life, the difference is huge. Think of it this way, what's the difference between a twelve year old dating a sixteen year old, and a 30 year old dating a 34 year old? It's still a four year difference, but four years is a third of the twelve year old's life time, but only 2/15 of the 30 year old's.

    Not to mention, life experiences even out as you get older. The life experiences that a 20 year old and 24 year old may have had might be fairly similar. A 14 year old, however, has just become a teenager, where as an 18 year old can drive, vote, and is legally an adult.

    Another example: My parents are 8 years apart. Now, in their 40s, it isn't such a big deal, but if they had started dating when my dad was say, 18, and my mom 10, it would have been a horrible crime, and rightly so. A 10 year olds experiences are very different from an 18 year old's experiences. Not so much the case when both people are in their 40s.

    The difference is huge. Although there may be the same number of years between both, their life experiences are vastly different.

  8. 20 and 24, both been outta high school for a while. And both legal. 14 and 18, not legal and the experience difference is HUGE, the older you get the more experience you have and then it kinda levels off a bit as you get older. Think about it, should a 13 year old date a 9 year old ABSOLUTELY NOT, should a 30 year old date a 26 year old, that doesn't seem like a big age gap at all. It's all about experience.

  9. well a 14 year old's maturity level isn't the same as an 18 year old. while a 20 and 24 year old's maturity levels are a little closer. there is a big difference between a 14 year old and an 18 year old..

  10. There's a huge difference in where you are in maturity levels at that age. It's different when you're both in your 20's, but at 14, you are just starting high school. At 18, you've graduated, can drive, can vote, are more than likely working and/or in college. It's not so much about the number of years, it's just different life stages and eventually it doesn't matter. :)

  11. 1. jail time

    2. life expierence (lack of)

    3. immaturity (lack of)

    4. school (in school / out of school)

    5. sexual expierence (now a days kids are having intercourse)

    thats just naming a few.

  12. There is a difference.  A 14-year old is still a child and illegal.  There is a world of change that happens between 14 and 18.  There is less change between 20 and 24.  IMO.

  13. the mindset of a 14 year old is much much different from the mindset of a 20 year old.

  14. No. For god's sake no.

    Yes you feel mature, but you're not.

  15. Because 14 is still a child and 18 is a legal adult and should have none of the same interests as the 14 year old.   20 and 24 are both adults so are more likely to have similar interests.

  16. Because the 18 year old can go to jail because the 14 year old is way under age.  

  17. The 14 year old is classified as a teen, and the 18 year old is legally an adult.  Teens and adults dating is a no-no; adults are experienced and can take advantage of teens.

    20 year olds and 24 year olds are both adults.  A 20 year old and a 80 year old can date; society will think they're weird, but they'll tolerate it.  However, if you date a teen, you're cradle-robbing.  There are many laws to protect children and teens.

    Note that in other societies, it may be okay.  For example, in some countries, they marry you off when you're 13 years old.

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