
What is the big bang thoery?

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i've looked everywhere and all i see is about this tv show or something that isnt even about the big bang! so please help




  1. The Big Bang theory is the standard scientific explanation for the evolution of the Universe.

  2. some stupid people don't believe god created everything, they believe everything happened in one "BIG BANG" or boom like one second nothing was there. then.. BANG everything is freaking there

  3. Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. Space itself is becoming larger, or as some people like to say, "being stretched."

    If you think about it, then you will come to the logical conclusion that since space is expanding now as time moves forward, it must have been smaller in the past. And if you go far enough back in time, space, and all the matter in it must have been condensed into a single tiny point. Then somehow the point started expanding exponentially fast in a sort of "big bang"

    Although it may seem like it, the Big Bang theory is not a theory about how the universe and all it's matter was created. It is only a theory as to why space is expanding. The theory says nothing about how the "Bang" in "Big Bang"  actually came about. It only incorporates the events immediately after the universe came into existence.


  5. Wikipedia is good, although the link above won't work until you change 'band' to 'bang'.

    Basically, the universe is expanding.  Thus, once it was smaller.  The universe is cooling.  Thus, once it was hotter.  Extrapolate back, and you get a small, hot point - a singularity.  There's a lot more in the way of evidence and math to support this, but that's the basic idea, and big bang theory tells us how the universe formed from that point.

  6. a theory based on the red shift of distant objects which proposes that all matter in the universe was once condensed into a ball the size of a soccer or volley ball, perhaps even smaller which had internal teperature of billions, perhaps trillions of degrees. for some unknown reason this ball of matter decided to explode and from that primordial explosion the present universe was formed. the universe is still expanding and the bigger it gets the faster it expands. the only thing the theory doesn't tell us is where the ball of matter came from and what caused it to explode. i think GOD said let there be and there it was.

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