
What is the big deal about global warming??

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What is the big deal about global warming??




  1. I'd rate just about every one of these responses down about it being a scam or a myth.  

    Try thinking before you spill out inaccuracies.  Global climate change is a real event, backed up not by 'hundreds' of years, but hundreds of thousands of years of evidence through geologic analysis.  Oh wait, you probably are one of those people who think the earth is only six thousand years old huh?

    This has all the science you will need to assail your doubts, but there is one doubt that remains: and that is that you will read this, 'its too hard and long, i don't like all those big words'

  2. what do u mean? global warming is caused by us!!! using cars, and the greenhouse gasses we use are so powerful that when we use too much, it starts building a forcefield around earth and it traps the gases in and thats good because it keeps the earth heated but when we keep using them, the earth gets overheated and thats when the earth gets closer and closer to having no more penguines, polar bears and all of the arctic animals! your killing the polar bears! we ALL are!!!  i watched a video in science class in 6th grade and this is the info that it gave and it was very sad. Do something about it befor its too late. it was talking about how we americans spend alot of time disgusing the subject but yet we just keep talking about it and it gets too late and eventually, the world will get so hot that it will catch on fire and we will all die. its already through half of its lifetime!

  3. If we can just see beyond the global warming itself we can say it's a big deal dude. Imagine people floating on makeshift boat just to stay afloat because water has risen so much that our place is now underwater and we have no place to go. Imagine people going hungry and thirsty because lands are inundated water contaminated what would you say when that time comes. At this very moment i am answering this question there are some small islands near the equator that have begun experiencing the rising of the water, because ice caps are melting rapidly beyond comprehension. What do you think causes these freaks of nature storms, typhoons, hurricanes and abnormal rainfalls and superheated summers and dry spells? Man this maybe no big deal yet but for some it is now. We, here in the tropics are experiencing Super Typhoons that claim lives not just beyond our 20 fingers, way above our heads. Soon these things will get worse because we are not doing anything to find a solution to pollution, cause by burning fossil fuel and other non-green fuel as well. Oh Boy wake up everyone, i can say this because of my experience on this planet earth for half a century, i can safely compare our younger days to this present day as too far from the days when i was just growing up. Oh God i pity my sons and daughters as well as my grandchildren. We have a saying here in the Philippines that goes this way, "Ang Basura mong itinapon ay babalik din sa iyo", "The Garbage you threw will eventually go back to you". And as predicted it has already begun, i just hope everyone will see and feel it before it's too late.    

  4. Global warming a big deal?...

    No, it's not at all a big deal....

    It is the FACT & the TRUTH.


  5. you know how everyone is so into fantasys and made up things. thats why cause everyone loves to believe the myth of global warming.

  6. Ok well the ice caps are melting and making it so that the polor bears and seals are slowly  dieing!  And also if it all melts then we are going to be flooded by all the water held in the ice caps. Also many animals are dieing and becoming extinc because of the changes in the envierment.


  7. Ann P can't even ******* spell dying. How can we trust her with regulating the emissions of automobiles and industry?

  8. Well  to keep it simple Global Warming produced by  Green house  gas,s , is slowly changing our climate which in turn is producing , Abnormal temperatures , rising sea levels ,  endangering human , animal  and plant life.  

  9. i think global warming is serious but we really cant do anything about it. Its the cycle of the earth. Records show that this is not the first increase of average temperature. The last major increase in climate temperature resulted in an ice age..and im sure there was another ice age before that. its just a cycle, we're just unlucky enough to be stuck in it

  10. Since there is not global warming, the big deal is the prevention, which is very costly, not necessary, and unable to control or even moderate climate change.

    It is getting hard to take some of these completely silly and ignorant answers.

    Polar bears on not in any immediate danger contrary to BS you see on Al t.v.  Of 20 distinct polar bear populations 2 have increasing populations, 2 have decreasing populations, 10 are stable, and the status of the other 6 are unknown.  Doesn't sound like a problem to me.

    "What do you think causes these freaks of nature storms, typhoons, hurricanes and abnormal rainfalls and superheated summers and dry spells? "

    Apparently there was no weather before James Hansen invented global warming.  

    "At this very moment i am answering this question there are some small islands near the equator that have begun experiencing the rising of the water, because ice caps are melting rapidly beyond comprehension"

    Really?  Which island?  Tuvalu?  There has bee no appreciable rise in the sea levels around Tuvalu that was trying to sue the US and Australia over global warming.

    The polar ice caps are melting?  The arctic cap is melting which adds absolutley nothing to the sea level because it is floating ice.  The Greenland ice sheet is melting on the edges in getting thicker in the center causing a net decrease in sea levels of .03 mm per year.  The melting of the Antarctic ice sheet is causing an increase in sea levels of .08 mm per year.  The net effect of the major ice sheets melting is a .05 mm per year increase.

    Mr. Gore's 20 foot increase in sea levels can be expected in about 120,000 years.  I think it is safe to say that we can adjust during that time period, and that no islands are in immediate danger.

    If you are wondering, poor Tuvalu with a peak elevation of 5 meters will be completely underwater in about 100,000 years.

  11. There isn't one because it's the biggest Liberal/Democrat/leftist lie ever.

  12. The earth has gone through sequences of warming and cooling before. And when we have accumulated a lot of warming, particularly when the oceans warm up. it appears to be able to provide the energy needed to put us into an ice age.

    It does take a lot of energy to build those mighty glaciers we associate with an ice age. The evaporation of the oceans has to take place to make ice. The level of the oceans goes up during a warming phase and down as we are building an ice age.

    Humanity has survived through a global warming period and its following ice age. We survived mostly because some of our population was fairly close to the equator. But we can expect that some people will not survive.  Oh well, we needed a population trimming, did we not?

    Yes some other species also will die out whenever that global warming high and ice age low take place.  We would prefer to defer this a while, but we do not know for sure that we can actually prevent this cycle. We also do not know if the prevention will be a great idea.

    We would like to preserve some of our fossil fuels just in case we desperately need some later.

  13. I work in a Science Center and hear many aspects of this question. Many colleagues say it does not exist except in the minds of the media and some politicians. A few say it does exist and we need to address it.

    My own take is that it does not matter if it exists or not, or if it is man made or not. The things we need to do to help the environment are for the good of all. These are the things we reasonably need to do.

    The problems arise when some people want to make changes that will not effect the CO2 levels, changes that are not going to help. The amount of global warming that can be scientifically attributed to man is so small that we cannot make much of a dent in correcting this. BUT we do need to make many of these changes. Simply put, it is the right thing to do.

  14. The CO2 in the atmosphere allow the sun rays to come in but prevent the heat to scape the atmosphere, creating a green house effect. The warmer weather  melt the ice in the polar caps and the water vapor enters in the atmosphere. We will have much more rain and storms. The weather patterns may change and many species may not have the time to adjust to the change in the environment.  

  15. Its a government scam to make the population more controllable, man made global warming is a sham, its just the sun is heating up.

    Watch the global warming swindle Link Here:

    I think you might also find it on youtube.

    Peace ;))))

  16. Well ya know, it could just mean the extinction of our species, that's all.  Global climate change is an ongoing process. The Earth goes through periods of warm ups and cool downs, that are so gradual they are nearly impossible to detect without decades or even centuries of dedicated research. The process has been going on for billions of years, so even a century is a fly speck on the planets life line. Right now pretty much everyone who isn't in complete denial is in agreement that the Earth is going through a warming faze. The real debate right now is how much of the the warming is directly resulted to the actions of man, and therefore theoretically reversible. One side is saying a lot of the current temperature trend is man's doing, and can be undone by man's undoing. Another side is saying man's actions are just another fly speck to the Earth, and it is going to continue it's processes regardless of what we have done, or what we do to try and change things. Personally, I think human-kind is out of its symbiotic relationship with the planet, and if we don't at least try to get things back into some sort of balance, we will be the catalyst for our own destruction. Eventually the virus consumes its host, or the host rids itself of the virus theory. As long as human beings continue to be all consuming viruses to the planet, we are dooming ourselves. Even if the things we can do won't make anything better, doing nothing can't possibly help. Everyone should be ready to admit human beings' current actions are not conduscive to a healthy planet, the only benifit is that of the smallest fraction of the population, and even that benifit is an illusion, if it means destroying the planet in the process.

  17. Its A Big Lie Remember When They Said The World Would End Cause Of Aids?

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