
What is the big deal about global warming?

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What is the big deal about global warming?




  1. "What is the big deal about global warming?"

    It's called big money for those who have set up and invested money in "Go Green" corportations BEFORE they started the scare about the myth of global warming.

  2. There is NO big deal about global warming.  The Earth has had natural cycles of warming and cooling for millenia, and will continue to do so.  

    PLEASE don't let Al Gore and his lackeys scam you!  Gore should be brought up on charges for being involved with that joke of a 'movie' called Inconvenient Truth!!  Those global warming dorks are trying to scam us, and it appears that many on this board have jumped on the Gore bandwagon like fat boys diving for cupcakes!!

  3. Life on Earth as we know it,  will be impossible. Is that big enough for you?

  4. Warming will return us to the more benign climate of the Holocene Maximum, which would make life easier on us.  This is the very thing that fear mongers like Algore want to prevent.  The last thing he wants is for humans to have a better life.

    Even if all the ice in the world from the western shelf of Antarctica down to the ice cubes in my fridge were to melt and end up in the drink the total sea rise would be 220 feet.  But that isn't going to happen.  It is far too cold in my fridge as well as in Antarctica.  A 50 degree F rise in central Antarctica would still leave ice solid.

  5. Not only will we drown, we will most likely get burned pretty bad from the sun as our atmosphere is ripped apart by all the emissions into the air degrading our protection.

  6. what what is the big deal about global warming. global warming means annual rise of the temprature. if you want to know about global warming watch the movie An Inconvienent Truth By AL GORE


  8. Antartica will melt and sea level will rise dramatically. The will be a global tsunami and land will go under sea. Most living creatures will drown. This is the big deal about global warming.

  9. global warming will result in increase in the temperature and so the ice in the antartic and the himalayan region will melt and tall the life on the earth will be submerged but till then as the temperature will increase at an alarming rate the living beings  will have to suffer

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