Now if you have money on the race, I can see how people would be excited about it. But if you're merely looking for some entertainment, how is watching horses run fast all that thrilling? Horses run, thats what they are made to do. If horses wanted to impress me, they could learn how to dribble a basketball or speak Spanish fluently. Running, well, not so impressive to me. And the whole horse racing community gets all excited about a horse winning the triple crown. That is basically what the whole horse racing "sport" lives for. One horse winning 3 races. Wow, can you imagine if other sports lived like that. The entire baseball season wouldn't matter unless a player won the batting, homerun, and rbi crowns in the same year. That would be great..but wouldn't define the sport. Horse racing, the triple crown is the only defining thing it has. That, and the sports "athletes" take big dumps on the playing field. I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Maybe someone can enlighten me.