
What is the biggest 'myth' you've heard about rats?

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Title says it all. For all the rat lovers (and other small animal owners, feel free to join in), what is a 'myth' that you commonly hear, that just drives you crazy because you know it isn't true?


- Do not feed meat to rats. It'll make them aggressive!

P.S. My rats, for fun:




  1. Rats are ugly.

    Rats are dirty

    Rats are dumb

    Baby mice grow up to be rats

    Cheese is good for rats.

    Rats bite babies.

  2. "Rats created the Plague"



  3. i've heard far to many!

    i heard that they lovvvveeeee chesse

    also that the carry rabies

    and that they suck blood

    and that there mean....

    sooooo not true!!!those are all myths.

  4. Rats are secretly plotting to take over the Earth and turn humans into dinner casseroles with mayo and olives. >=D

  5. They are dirty disease spreaders responsible for the plague.  But I am quick to jump to their defense.  I took my two rats to work with me today.  I work in a nursing home.  The residents hoarded around us in total amazement and I let them hold them. The residents just loved it.  When I left, one of the staff said that rats were baby killers.  I don't know how they meant that, but I just ignored them.  Some people are so close minded at how great having a pet rat can be.  My residents want me to bring them back the next time I get to work on the floor.

  6. That if u give them soda they'll Xplode!

    That they r mean( the sweetest pets I have ever owned)

    I luv my rats! I have 2 dumbo rats and they are wonderful!!!

  7. that rats could live if they were on fire.

  8. That rat p**p can get humans sick

    That rats are the dirtest creatures alive

    Rats cant learn tricks or name their names which is BS because my rat deff know his name and come to it.

  9. I saw this on a tv show today, i didnt watch all of it, the shows called monster quest, that there are giant rats in new york city, i dont think there are giant rats in new york city.

  10. Anything and everything, I've heard.

    I work in a pet shop.

    I've heard that all rats carry rabies.

    All rats are dirty.

    All rats bite, all the time.

    Rats can be on sawdust/woodshavings.

    Rats can't catch human colds...

    This is all from customers, by the way, not my animal education.

  11. Rats are ugly mean creatures, and they can kill you if they bite you hard enough. Someone said this before in petco. I will never forget it...

  12. That rats love cheese.

    (I am pretty sure too much cheese gives them diarrhea and they would prefer veggies instead.)

    Rats are dumb.

    (They are actually really smart.)

    Rats are ugly.

    (Ok, so this one might be an opinion, but I mean, c'mon, rats are adorable!)

  13. *Rats are dirty

    *Pet stores get there rats from sewers

    *Rats ARE sewer animals (not that I think that)

    *If a rat has pink eyes it is evil

    *Rats are mean and they bite people

    *Rats have rabies

  14. they are dirty

    they have rabies

    they bite

    the red eyes mean they are evil

    they are meant to live in the sewer

    they are dumb(SO NOT TRUE!)

    they are ugly ( this is so not true but thats just my opinion)

    they smell

    they are meant to be fed to snakes

    and alot of people say that they dont like cheese but that is my rats favorite treat! i know that because i gave him a variety of treats once a he went straight to the cheese! lol :)

    I hope you dont get any mean comments! good luck!


  15. um i havent heard any myths but i have to say i love your rats! they r gorgeous! it looks like you have taken well care of them well done!

  16. Rats carry rabies.

    That's the worst myth. Rodents rarely, rarely carry rabies. In fact, if you see any lively rodent running around your house it probably doesn't have any bad disease. Diseases kill little rodents too quickly for they to be major carriers of anything.

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