
What is the biggest age difference between you and a partner you ever had s*x with?

by Guest56824  |  earlier

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Please answer if of age only.

Also, was it something you enjoyed or regretted, both at the time and later on.




  1. Well, let me see. I'm 50 and she is 24 and a student at UNLV (almost done finishing her last year). That would be about the biggest difference I can think of. But, you're as young as you feel or as old as you convince yourself to be. Both of us enjoy every moment with each other. When she graduates, she might be moving to California, so we never commited. Neither of us want to. No regrets... Never regret.

    P.S. Thumbs down troll, grow up and get a life.

  2. He's 21 and I am 17.

    I love him.

  3. He was 11 years older...and it was on and off for several years.  Who knows it might even happen again some day!  But seriously, he was one of the best lovers I have ever had.  I regret nothing as each experience I have serves as a lesson learned or is a wonderful, fond memory in my life.  

  4. 20 years

  5. 17 years.  No regrets.  

  6. Wow, I thought my "five years younger" was pretty big until I read some of the other answers!

  7. I was 24 she was around 50.  I have always preferred older women for s*x.  I love to look at the Playboy types but for action an older woman is so much better.  I have had 6 older females ranging in age from late  30's to the 50 y/o.  I regretted 2.  One was rather fat and it was a one night stand, the other tried to get me in trouble for reasons to long to discuss.  I only regretted the s*x with the heavy one.  It was not just her weight it was most everthing about her.  

  8. i dated this guy that was like 25 years older then me.

    but having s*x with him was like floating in the sky. the passion the excitement and having fun was the best part.

  9. Fourteen years.  I do regret, but not because of the age gap so much as because he was a married man and the whole affair was rather sordid and depressing.  I was very, very unhappy.  I would not recommend being the 'other woman' to anyone.

  10. I Had s*x With My Cousin, But She Wanted Me To Teach Her, So OK But She Won't Stop Telling Me She Wants More. Its Wrong, I'm Her Cousin.

  11. I'm a girl.  I have had a partner that was 10 years older than me, and also one that was 10 years younger, both when I was 28 or so.  Both were enjoyable, but I felt sort of bad about the younger one, like I was taking advantage of him, although he was the aggressor.

  12. Me (30), she (18) 12 yrs difference

    Greatly enjoyed. Regretted at one point because she forgot it was just SUPPOSED to be a no attachments sexual thing.

    17 yrs later, we're still friends but her husband of 14 yrs still hates me (BFD).

  13. 16 years...

    we dated for 6 years..

    no major regrets...

  14. 19 years. I was 18 and he was 37. Did I regret it? Nope. I have an older man fetish. My husband is 12 years older than me :-p

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