
What is the biggest basketball betting scandal in the history of basketball betting?

by Guest21218  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I've been hearing a lot of news on basketball betting scandals, but I want to know that which basketball betting scandal is considered to be the largest betting scandal in the era of basket ball




  1. marychamblin

    The Tim Donaghy Scandal.

  2. Without doing any research, I suspect there was at least one college scandal in the early 1950s. CCNY  won the NIT which was very prestigious then with players who were later found to have shaved games. Kentucky's NCAA championship team suffered the same fate with a couple of All-Americans (Beard and Groza) being banned from the NBA. CCNY ceased to be a basketball power after their scandal. Players such as Connie Hawkins were banned from the NBA for suspected gambling ties. All in all, the shaving scandals of that era were more far reaching than the NBA referee's indiscretions.

  3. The biggest basketball betting scandal is 2007 NBA scandal in which I heard match referee was involved in betting on basketball games. Tim Donaghy was the referee and he was accused and sentenced to 15 months in prison, which also caused much on NBA's popularity.

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