
What is the biggest cleaning challenge in your house?

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What is the biggest cleaning challenge in your house?




  1. I live by myself and I have 4 closets! But still I find I cannot get organized!

  2. 8 cats, 4 dogs and 2 kids

  3. Keeping it clean while I'm cleaning. It seems I track dirt from other areas or the baby likes to make a mess where I just cleaned.

  4. kids + 2 dogs

  5. Keeping the hardwood floor swept clean. There is always a ton on crud on there.

  6. that greasy pan after you cooked/baked something in the oven

  7. My two kids. Ages 6 and 2.

    And, LAUNDRY, LAUNDRY, LAUNDRY. It is never ending.

  8. My 16 year old and my dog!

  9. My mind-can't seem to get rid of those dang dirty thoughts.....

  10. Biggest cleaning challenge in my home is Cleaning the oven, difficult to get into oven to clean

  11. I have centipedes taking over my live indoor plant. They are HORRIBLE!!!!!

  12. The house

  13. Cleaning the bathroom. I hate it...but I'm addicted to cleaning it. It's everyday....harsh products. Ammonia Bleach Pine Sol. Its spotless to me but a bathroom will always be dirty to me!

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