
What is the biggest creatures living in your armpit?

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What is the biggest creatures living in your armpit?




  1. Armpithingees.

  2. I keep my chihuahua there.  Easier to carry.

  3. Crab, rabbit and frogs................

  4. Why would you ever want to know that? I'm guna guess bacteria.

  5. There are no creatures.;...

  6. I've had the star of the popular 1980's t.v. sitcom Different Strokes in a headlock since the late nineties so I'm going to have to say Gary Coleman.  Don't ask me why.  It's a little hard to explain.

  7. U have got serious issues!

  8. ur hair

  9. Q aku ndk da kuar la...blhla plak ko YAM padahal ada virus

  10. Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning.

  11. No kutu on my armpit ... lol ... if germs or bacteria are qualified as creatures, I guess they are the biggest fell around lah .... lagi pun, I always shaved my armpit hairs and it is like a desert to any creatures ... botak ... so how they can survive ? But the other hair, I dunno lah ... cuz sometime got excavation going on and maybe got hidden travellers ... lol

  12. Donkey Kong, Super Mario Brothers

  13. 3 Albanians

  14. Huh? I have a dinosaur living in mine. I keep shaving it away but he keeps growing back.

  15. Dark Knight

  16. you ! !!!!

  17. i dont think i have an armpit..........

    What is this you talk about ?

  18. dead fly!hehe

  19. A Kookaburra

  20. Elephant

  21. I have snapping turtle in mine

  22. tyrannosaurus

  23. Pokemons! (234)

  24. Brad Pitt

  25. Don't really know. It's hairy, though and keeps getting hairier..!!!

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