
What is the biggest desert in Egypt?

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Are there pyramids in the Sahara Desert?




  1. it called the western desert

    which you can find the white desert the black desert........etc



  2. the biggest desert is the Sahara on the West .

    the desert on the East is big , too.

    part of it is Sinai .

    beduins live in the desert .

    there are no Pyramids in the desert areas .

    the Pyramids are in Giza , close to Cairo.

    the Nile flows between the two big deserts .

    its water irrigates the land and makes it produce vegetables and fruit  on both sides .

  3. south sunaia is the biggest ?

  4. It is Sahara desert ( 9,00,00,00 sq. km). Most part of northern Arrica got it.Very hot.Mica, crystal rock found here.

  5. The Nile river runs through the Egyptian desert. The result is: Egypt has 2 deserts the eastern and the western deserts.

    The biggest of them is the western desert. It is part of the sahara which is a huge desert covering the north of Africa.

  6. ......Sahara desert of course followed by Libyan desert of Libya......its not Egypt anymore......lolz

  7. Western Desert between Egypt And Libya

  8. Balsam and raysaraj have the best answers: The biggest desert area in Egypt is the Western Desert, it is also where most of Egypt's Oases are located: " dakhla, kharga, farafra, siwa,.."

    BUT The Sahara desert is the desert inculding all the desert area in North Africa. Egypt's deserts are only part of the Sahara.

  9. the biggest desert in Egypt is the western desert and the pyramids are in el Giza not in any desert :)

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