
What is the biggest disappointment so far in your life? (personal or general)?

by Guest59888  |  earlier

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What is the biggest disappointment so far in your life? (personal or general)?




  1. im in love with my best friend...who is in love with my next door neighbor...who is another one of my friends.

  2. The same as Darin, except not for the reasons of money or work conflict, but because I was on academic probation... I'm on a mandatory break for two semesters... and I have only 3 classes to graduate :( and I havent had the heart to tell my parents yet, they will be so disappointed.... I keep telling everyone Im taking the summer off bc I'm burnt out with school work but will finish up in the fall, but I dont know what excuse to use in the fall until the spring when I can really go back... its very stupid of me to get on academic probation to begin with but I just had other drama i worried more about than school which I regret now of coarse...

  3. I am just 17 but I have seen more of life than many others.

    I lived in the Sultanate Of Oman till I was 12- the precious golden period of my life.  Ranging from the people to the monolithic structures like buildings, roads, houses and my school- Indian School Al Wadi Al kabir, I have a sweet attachment to everything to do with Oman. Leaving Oman was a real disappointment that I realised only after I had left Oman.

    In the past 5 years, hurricane Gonu struck oman. A lot has changed.

    I am unsure even if when I return to that place again, will It be familiar to me anymore.

    I am a top achiever in a school in the UK now (after living in India for -1 year) - just because my school, ISWK, in oman made me so clever and motivated.

  4. Not being able to finish college.  (Schedule conflicts with employer and school.)

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