
What is the biggest downside of marriage?

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  1. Downside of marriage is its the same person all the time.

    Upside of marriage is its the same person all the time.

  2. Hmm I would have to say the only downside i can honestly think of is when you get married all of your partners debts(creidt cards,school, medical) Come with him. But if you think that a downside to marriage is the same person forever you were never meant to get married. My upside is that its the same person forever. It makes me feel safe and secure. I love my guy and i am happy to spend forever with him and only him.

  3. 2 divorces

  4. The biggest upside and downside are the same: there is always someone there, 24/7. On the one hand, it can be frustrating to never have alone time, especially if you really like that sort of solitude, but to be honest, the benefit of having someone around to share your life outweighs every longing of wanting a few minutes to onesself.

  5. downside? When there is an issue usually both people aren't willing to put 100% into correcting it but one person has to do all the work and get nowhere because one person can't fix the problem...

    upside? Growing old with the person who brings great joy into your life...

  6. i don't have any downsides. for upsides i would say: security, companionship, kids, s*x, everything

  7. The Downside-Monotony

    The Upside- Security

  8. Losing everything you ever worked for.

  9. everyone's downside varies... most people talk about the s*x activity.. that varies with every couple.. activity varies; 2-3 times a week, month or year... it's not wrong, just different for everyone... some complain about "being restricted"... everyone makes their own decisions and it is up to you to make responsible decisions, your decisions affect other people..

    the upside is that you know you have someone there to lean on when the fit hits the shan... when life hits you hard, they will be there.. you will have a bond that you cannot explain nor have with someone else... you will have a love for each other that is indescribable...

    you just have to work together and be honest.. that is hard sometimes because you think you can handle everything yourself.. it takes a while to learn you have to work together...

  10. Biggest downside is it does kinda get old dealing with same old person every day  and eventually you fight and things may get boring for a bit on upside, your still together and still making it work

  11. The downside is that you have to deal with someone you can't control, in ways that you don't like or maybe totally hate.  In fact, they may think something is right and you think it is wrong, and in that moment your brain is forced to do some nutty reconciliation.  It's like being a bank auditor who finds a discrepancy in the books, and you have to fudge something and hope no one finds out.

    The upside is that in your dealings with each other you will both change and make life interesting.  It's way better than just sitting alone.

  12. The biggest downside is that everything you thought you knew about someone changes.  You begin to see them for who they really are (and vice versa).  It then puts a thing between the two of you.. you find yourself fighting more, communicating less, which leads to less intimacy, which leads to more fighting, and more space between you two until finally.. the weakest one of you decides that you want a divorce and the other one is so fed up at that point that they agree.  And that my friend.. is the harsh downside of marriage.

    The upside is you get a nice vacation after you say "I do".  Thats about it.

  13. Downside - The "light" at the end of your tunnel is GONE!  So it better be a GOOD marriage.

    Upside - If it IS a good marriage. . .trying to find companionship is finally OVER!  Everyday is spent with someone you love, cherish, adore, and the BEST BUDDY you'll ever know!

  14. two things

    1 money

    2 when you have eaten each other for 6 months ' things were off .

  15. Downside:

    The endless obligations and expectations your wife will have for you.

    Upside: If she is kinky, then you will at least get to slap her around for it without having to feel sorry bout it.

  16. downside...........  the s*x stops!

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