
What is the biggest folder you can buy? I need a big one

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I have a load of work, I had a normal folder then changed it to those big ring binders now that is too small, are there bigger ones as I cant find any in stores?




  1. I would suggest breaking you work into volumes such as different branches of your family then after that part is finalized have it professionally made into a book.

  2. I'd imagine you're going to outgrow the binders soon enough. I'd invest the $30 in a 2 draw filing cabinet and break it up into lines so that you can store everything safely and keep yourself organized. This time of year, you can usually also find a used cabinet at a garage sale or on Craig's List for super cheap.

  3. I'm sure the A4 or Foolscap lever arch folders are the biggest you can buy. They are what I use because I have never found anything bigger. I think if there was a bigger folder it might be really cumbersome, so it you, like I, break your work down into subjects each with its own ring binder that might be a more useful solution.

  4. Because I've been researching for 15 years my folder has become a binder. There are binders with 4 or 6 inch rings.  I have one or more per surname.

    I also have plastic tubs (for waterproofing) that I keep pictures, videos and folders. One folder per surname, one folder per state.

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