
What is the biggest health issue in france?

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What is the biggest health issue in france?




  1. The three leading causes of death in France are (1) Heart Disease  (2) Malignant Neoplasms  (3) Cerebrovascular  Disease

    There has been a continuing controversey in France about the high rate of alcohoism and the effect various issues from the overall French tradition of wine taken with meals and the habit of allowing or even encouraging children to drink wine has on this problem.

    NB: Back in the 1950's French Premier Pierre Mendès-France started a campaign to get the French to drink milk rather than wine.

    His government, which had survived defeat in the Indochina war and the politically bold step of negotiating with North African independance movements, promptly collapsed.

  2. haha smell? lol j/k I don't know

  3. maybe heart attacking

  4. Obesity is a growing issue.  Though only about 11% of French adults are obese, that is still more than in the past.

    Cigarette smoking still continues to take its toll in France, as well.

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