
What is the biggest income I could generate from an investment of £47,000?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking along the lines of annuities, investment property, income generating shares. Any examples of todays options would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I assume you are interested in Income with some level of risk ... so I would suggest an Income Fund / Unit Trust / Bond.

    Be aware, however, that the higher the Income the greater the risk .. Bonds are 'less risky' than Shares, Shares less risky that 'Derivertives' (or Money Market) funds ..

    If you want 'zero risk', go for Government Saving Bonds .. (these should at least do better than an 'Annuity' ..)

  2. Why shoot so low?

    annuities - investment properties - -

    why not the Foriegn Exchange currencies

    Shoot for 1% gain each trading day

    that would generate 470*5*50

    (need a vacation)

    117,500 a year - - - - could you live on that??

    The Forex Trades 3 Trillion a day - - doubt they would miss

    500 pounds

    all the best

  3. The rate of return always come along with the risk rate.

    If asking what is the biggest income, personally suit to your risk tolerant level, from an investment of $47,000, what percentage are you willing to lose?

  4. No idea sorry.

    In these troubled times you might be better investing cautiously merely to maintain the spending power of your money for the future rather going high risk investments.

    I see that you mention investment property surely these have already taken a pasting you might consider investing in a year or two when they hit rock bottom.

    Good luck


  5. Fortune has no limits,

    just make sure you choose wisely in your investment and spend a long time researching the different possibilities.

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