
What is the biggest issue you are worried about?

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is it the economy? the environment? energy? etc?




  1. The under qualified racist Obama becoming President.

  2. That our government has lost it's way. Not just in the last few years but for the last few decades. We are so off track. Our Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves. We need to get on track and it won't happen overnight. Smaller government agencies, they have messed things up. Tax breaks for smaller companies and business'.  This country is "We the People" not we the political parties.

  3. Economy First

    Energy Second

    IRAN Third

  4. The weak dollar.

  5. The gulability of the general population and their inability to demand that their elected officials follow their wishes instead of party politics.  If you don't call or write your objections congress will continue fattening their purses and protecting wallstreet.

  6. Religious bigots, zealots, fanatics in this country who are determined to control all of us.

    "The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and ingrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man." --Thomas Jefferson to Jeremiah Moor, 1800.

    America. Love It or Leave It!

  7. The pope.

  8. the environment

    dude we are destroying our planet

  9. The way our jobs keep going over seas for cheaper labor,and the men and women of this country are left out to make it the best way they can.The environment and how we like to destroy it to make way for things,when we already have land that is built on that we no longer use,why not tear down the old and put something new in its place.The way we are selling off all our land marks to other country's for the big bucks,like Budweiser,The Chrysler building,Lees,Levies,Food chains,Parks. YOU CAN'T BE AMERICA IF YOU KEEP SELLING OUT FOR GREED IN YOUR HEART.


  10. My country which has lost its way internally.

  11. The destruction of, and apathy regarding, the Constitution (ie Patriot Act, Warrantless wiretapping, property seizures, sneek and peek searches, indefinite detention, torture of innocents, lack of checks and balances, secret watch lists, no Presidential accountability)

  12. That Americans would actually elect Barack Obama who refuses to wear "that pin" of OUR FLAG and who refuses to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem.

  13. The USA foreign policy

  14. I would say the economy would be my number one issue that I am worried about.  Not so much for me but for the markets and the businesses that will struggle and the people who lose their jobs.

  15. The size of the tentacles from the giant octopus known as the federal government.

    If we were to prune it back, and take control of our own lives, it would better the economy, environment, energy, education, and all our domestic issues.

    We need to win in our foreign endeavors, and then not get involved in anymore, unless they are really necessary for domestic security.

  16. our economy and education. we are  a lazy work force and want 8 hrs pay for 8 mins work..too many times i hear the term hire a Mexican to do that . they will work for nothing.

    our education is worst by far in the past 20 yrs. we have more and more kids pushed past each grade and learning nothing..what is the bell curve??? a way of making the failures feel good about them self or to show on paper we are educating more students everyday?

    our elections...what a joke ..its like a Soap Oprah.

    we have a democrat with limited political experience wanting to run the worlds only super power. that like asking a McDonald's manger to become the CEO of Microsoft. also i cant trust a man who turns his back on his faith. if he can do that what else can he do .....that shows me a lack of morals and values which a true leader needs....if there are any left in America.

  17. Stopping big government and out of control spending.  Achieving energy independence.

  18. 1. American Health care system

    2. economy and housing

    3 war in Iraq/ Afganastan

    4. education, primary and secondary

    5 environment

    6. Finding alternatives to oil and coal

  19. 1. Iraq- We need to win. No excuses.

    2. Oil- We need to drill ASAP. No more waiting.

    3. The economy- Protective tariff. Bring the industries back into the US, and stop importing c**p.

    4. 2nd Amendment- I need my rights protected. And that means a nonpartisan SCOTUS.

  20. I would say energy -- consumption, price, etc. would be my first concern, followed by national debt and government borrowing.

  21. what we consume in this world and do not renew

    food energy

  22. Decode this lyrics " SOS"

    "Atlantis calling SOS for love"

    "Who will save the world"

    "Brother Louie"

    "Life is too short"

    "You my heart you my soul"

    "Without you"

    "Dying inside"



    "The greatest love of all"

    "Knowing me knowing you"

    "Where do we go from here"

    "Island in the stream"

    "He's ain't heavy he's my brother"

    "Only one road"

    "When will I see you again"

    "Never can say goodnye"

    "I'll be there"

    Genesis 11.1,6

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11.33-36

    Revealation 17 -20

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

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