
What is the biggest lie told by creationists?

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What is the biggest lie told by creationists?




  1. 1. Biggest lie would be that Darwin recanted.

    Tons of misquotes, logical fallacies, and twisting of facts, but that is probably the biggest outright lie.

  2. Never heard a creationist tell a lie . It is the Darwin evolution crowd that has been caught in many  outright lies, frauds and hoaxes.  Piltdown Man, Lucy, Nebraska Man and Haeckel's drawings are just a few. Face it ,you can rant all day long but you can not change the truth. God creasted the heaven and the earth.

  3. that ID is science.

  4. Num 23:19 God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?  

  5. "The Theory of Evolution is controversial within the scientific community."

  6. There are so many. The Darwin's Black Box. At Evolution facts web site you can shop and pick for a top 20 list. The web site is a creationist pseudo science page.

  7. Umm... Creation

  8. That Creationism has any validity whatsoever.

  9. The lie: "There is no credible evidence to support the theory of evolution."

  10. That they have actually studied the Theory of Evolution from a source other than AIG. This assertion of deep understanding is almost always followed by confusing the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution.

  11. I don't know I saw a Christian post a link to a creationist site the other day.  

    I think it was

    I browsed through it and literally everything they said was false or they twisting something around to fit a definition they wanted.

    Creationism is just strawmen and god of the gap arguments with a little bit of irreducible complexity thrown in the mix.  The entire concept is a joke

  12. There are no transitional fossils.

    That or Kent Hovind's magical ice sphere that circles the earth making the sky look clearer and the atmosphere purer and letting normal animals like lizards grow to the size of dinosaurs.

    Actually, I change my mind.  The biggest lie told by creationists is Kent Hovind.

  13. That there is no evidence for evolution.

  14. One of biggest I've heard is: God may have created all things by/through evolution.

  15. There is not so much as lie as a lack of reversense to the God they claim created the universe.  Creationism has yet to be proven wrong and hasn't changed, while evolution has been proven wrong and changed several times and has not explained much of the natural world.

  16. "What is the biggest lie told by creationists?"


  17. That all the fossils were fake, made by heathens.

    I seriously shat bricks.

  18. That there is no evidence to support it.  There's quite a bit, really.

    That, or that Darwin recanted for it on his deathbed (he didn't).  As if that meant something to begin with.

  19. It is the same lie, of the same magnitude, as told by anyone with a fixed view.

    Their view is the truth.

  20. Wow, what a broad question.

    That ID has any merit whatsoever.  That Darwin recanted.  That Kent Hovind actually HAS a doctorate.

    Edit:  For those creationists who point out evolution hoaxes and errors.  Remember that they were eventually discovered by and revealed by scientists.  Face it, scientists admit their mistakes whiile creationists just make up more lies to cover up their previous lies.  

    Evolution happened - face facts.

  21. I dunno, all the lies a pretty much up there.

  22. That evolution is plausible.

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