
What is the biggest mistake you've ever made?

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What is the biggest mistake you've ever made?




  1. letting a best friend walk out of my life & never telling him how much he meant to me.

  2. Walking away from relationships because I didnt want anything serious.

  3. Cheating on my boyfriend :(

  4. Selling my house, just before the market shot up.

  5. answering this question...

  6. Betraying my friends trust by talking 'out of school'. I still feel lousy about it.

  7. Getting an abortion...

  8. Accepting Gary the Git's proposal.  Still, you live and learn and I soon traded him in for a better model.  Kept the diamond ring too, so it wasn't all bad!  ha ha

  9. Getting married and staying in the same city for years and years.

  10. Not buying a house 5 years before i did because i missed the boom.

  11. Not doing the things I want to do.I spent almost 10 years in a job I hated and wasted so much time working there for nothing.I missed out on vacations,meeting someone nice,living a good life.I guess the mistake I made was not listening to myself!

  12. signing up to yahoo answers

  13. Becoming a human being

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    The most evil creature on the planet Earth

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    Kill each other for sport

    -- because of color of skin -- because of religion -- because of status in society -- because of political beliefs

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    Rape children and women

    Steal what others have

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    Destroy homes of others out of the joy of seeing the fire

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    Beating up old people to steal their money or what ever they have that is valuable

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    Getting so mad at another driver in an automobile that they use it as a weapon to kill

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    I could go on but I hope you get my idea

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    God said that creating mankind is the only mistake he ever made in the bible

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  14. not go to college

  15. spraying hairspray under my arms instead of deodorant!!!

  16. Leaving a job I didn't mind for a job that I now hate.

  17. telling a teacher to **** off

  18. Not taking school seriously from the age of 8 to about 20.

  19. I've made plenty - studying the wrong course at uni, not leaving an abusive relationship sooner, passing up job opportunities in favour of something fact I could be here all day typing to answer this question...

  20. not buying the £1,000 worth of shares I was offered in a company I worked for at 42p each which subsequently rose to £58 a share.....

  21. Joining this's cut down my work flow

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