
What is the biggest mystery of women?

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Women are so mysterious so what do you think makes them so mysterious?




  1. I don't know, but I've come to realize that all people are different regardless of gender.

  2. How we can change from minute to minute, our complexity.

  3. the fact that men and women are really in it for different reasons and men dont usually want to acknowlegde the work needed to understand

    We are not mysterious to each other...and men aren't mysterious to women because yall make it obvious what you want

    We want someone who can lay pipe, get us pregnant and actually be there through the pregnancy, be on the same page while raising the kids, and wont cheat.  We need someone who can talk to us without always wanting to poke because women know better than men that the romance and you need to be there for another reason.  We want someone who cares about our safety...basically provide for our needs and you will get what you want.  Some @$$, some food, a clean house, and a ride or die chick (someone who sticks by your side regardless)

  4. if we tell you, it's no longer a mystery. :p

  5. our obsessive weight issues.  We won't give up a d**n cookie but want to be skinny.

  6. we just good like that:]

  7. How much smarter and stronger we are than you think.

    (Please excuse the bad grammar.)

  8. we don't even understand ourselves... how can the men understand us??

  9. I don't think women are mysterious at all. My girlfriend is certainly not mysterious; though she finds some things about me mysterious.

    Isn't it mysterious, how you can communicate with people all over the world through your computer? Or how every single person perceives the world in their own, unique way? It's as if every person in the world is a universe; unfortunately, you'll only ever experience your own.

    My advice is... get into a serious relationship. If you are a heterosexual, maybe she'll be able to help you figure them out.

    Otherwise... talk to a lot of women. I suppose. Or ask more questions on yahoo answers.

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