
What is the biggest object in the Universe?

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What is the biggest object in the Universe?




  1. ts something that the japanese found. i thought it would be another star or something but its not. just go to the link i found

  2. if you mean largest single object it would be a helium atom. everything else is a mass of particles and every other atom in the universe can be made from a combination of hydrogen and helium. Since helium is 1 proton larger then hydrogen then i would say it is the largest single object. But i suppose you could break atoms up into protons neutrons and electrons if you want to take it further. On the flip side if you mean largest mass...nobody knows yet. The largest so far is a black hole

  3. The Giant Japanese Blob!

  4. A super cluster is the biggest item aside from the Universe itself.

    A super cluster is a cluster of other clusters which are clusters of galaxies.

  5. Define "object".

  6. The largest single object known in the universe, based on mass, is a black hole discovered in late 2007 called OJ287. It has the mass of a small galaxy.

  7. Abell 3266.  It is a thousand million times the mass of the sun.  It is a gaseous comet like ball.

  8. The Sloan Great Wall is the largest structure in the Universe. Its a supercluster  (cluster of clusters of galaxies) over 1.37 billion light years in width. I knew this already but I found the extra info on Wiki. Its treated as a collective because all the galaxies are gravitationaly bound to each other.  

  9. An enormous amoeba-like structure 200 million light-years wide and made up of galaxies and large bubbles of gas is the largest known object in the universe, scientists say.

    The galaxies and gas bubbles, called Lyman alpha blobs, are aligned along three curvy filaments that formed about 2 billion years after the universe exploded into existence after the theoretical Big Bang. The filaments were recently seen using the Subaru and Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea.

    The galaxies within the newly found structure are packed together four times closer than the universe's average.

    Some of the gas bubbles are up to 400,000 light years across, nearly twice the diameter of our neighboring Andromeda Galaxy. Scientists think they formed when massive stars born early in the history of the universe exploded as supernovas and blew out their surrounding gases. Another theory is that the bubbles are giant gas cocoons that will one day give birth to new galaxies.

    The finding will give researchers new insight into what the structure of cosmos looks like at the largest scale.

    "Something this large and this dense would have been rare in the early universe," said study team member Ryosuke Yamauchi from Tohoku University.

    "The structure we discovered and others like are probably the precursors of the largest structures we see today which contain multiple clusters of galaxies," Yamauchi said.

  10. a black hole. when one black hole comes in contact with another black hole, they consume eachother, thus combining into one super black hole. the hole can keep on accumulating in size as long as it comes in contact with another black hole.

  11. solar systems  

  12. The Universe.

  13.   A galaxy is the largest object,there are large structures but they are not objects.

  14. I suspect that quasars are among the largest "single" object (such as stars and planets, not single as in atoms) because They were created near the very beginning of the universe. Quasars are something like galaxies, only instead, they are sometimes classified as stars. A special type of stars. quasars are not spherical balls like the sun, but rather a giant black hole (usually larger that the supermassive black hole that is theorized to be in the center of every galaxt) The surrounding material near the black hole forms a disk, and creates large jets of materials coming out perpendicular to the galaxy plane. quasars are known to be ranged in size from the size of a solar system, to as much as 38 billion light years in size. In fact, quasars are the furthest objects that are directly visible to us in the universe. Even though their distance is so far, they can be seen through optical equipment like regular stars because of the tremendous energies they give off.  

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