
What is the biggest obstacle your child's ADHD causes for you and your family? How do you overcome it?

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What is the biggest obstacle your child's ADHD causes for you and your family? How do you overcome it?




  1. Definitely, as the other answerers have pointe dout, is outings. The counsellor we have suggested that when he is acting out in public, to hold his hand gently, rub his back, rest my hand on his shoulder. This contact, especially when I am speaking to someone or paying for purchases, shows him that I am still giving him the attention he craves.

    I've also had disagreements with family members about his actual condition. They would not believe that it is real, and chastized me for putting him on the meds that so obviously help him. I have severed contact with his uncle, and had arguments with his grandmother.

  2. i have ADHD and it just makes it hard for me to focus and do well in school which my teachers and parents get frustrated with. i dont know why but they have never told anyone and make it appear non-existent, i dont know if this is out of shame or the fact they want me to be as normal as possible without making excuses for myself, but its confusing and hard, and without people being aware i feel it will just make my school years twice as hard. they all say i have potential but i dont use it. (clearly been shown when i didnt study hardly at all and got an A in chemistry lol ). just wish there was more support (dont take meds neither, just forced to deal with it on my own which is pretty hard). i have no idea what strain and problems it causes them but i know they get annoyed with me alot but just put it down to laziness and i hate that.

  3. Ok this is what I hate ADHD just means you have problems focusing and your hyper. I have it and I hate it when I hear parents going "oh know my child has ADHD what do I do? "There are REAL disorders killing children and a pill at breakfast won't fix those. Just seriously medicate. I take a pill at breakfast and I am fine (I am not suicidal, I am not totaly out of it seriously on medicine I am fine)

  4. The biggest obstacle we face with our 11 year old, severely ADHD son is public outings of any kind.

    School, friends houses, restaurants, stores, etc. Any place that has stimuli that is out of the norm for him overwhelms his senses and erratic behavior ensues.

    Excess talking, interrupting, question after question without waiting for a reply, constant moving, jumping and spinning. He has also been known to be destructive, to spit and of course any idea of personal space goes out the window.

    How do we cope?

    20mg Ritalin LA, 54mg Concerta and 60mg Strattera.

    Before meds we wouldn't leave the house. Seriously. On weekends we plan our days around them and the same goes for special occasions.

    We have tried altering his diet. Wheat free, gluten free, reduced salicylates, food colors and sugar. Ours son's education assistant has said she believes he handles stimuli much better when he is on his fish oil and evening primrose oil supplements though we don't see much difference when he is home as we keep excess stimuli to a minimum.

    HTH :)

  5. I am 13 and I have ADD.

    The bigest obstacal for me is that I get made fun of alot, i love technolagy and baisicly anything more advanced than a calclator (even then), and I get teased and made fun of all the time which can realy make me fell bad.  But then when i help a teacher or a student (like every day), almoast everyone loves me (for a while at least), which realy makes me feel beter.

    I also HAVE to have something to mess with or i wont be able to concentrate on anything.  Sometimes at  the beginning of the school year, some teachers keep on telling me to pay attention even though i am.

    But overall, it is getting teased that is the biggest obstacal to overcome.

  6. social situations (birthday parties, church, restaurants) are very difficult for us. We help keep our son on task by bringing toys, books and other things to keep him occupied and stimulated so he does not get bored or anxious and start to act out. He is autistic as well as hyperactive, so it can be a double whammy. We know that we can not expect controlled behavior in the evening, so we do a lot of our family events in the early part of the day. After 5 pm he is completely out of control, and is much more comfortable at home in a safe environment.

  7. the child's safety and other people's safety.  i overcome it by having a schedule and keeping him busy.

  8. School setting.  ADHD is easier to diagnose in a school setting than ADD.  When my daughter gets bored she just gets up out of her seat & starts doing something else!  Homework is also a huge struggle.  

    I have an added advantage.  I also have ADHD so I know what she is going through. And I am also a teacher.   One thing that helped me was chewing gum.  My parents always got permission from the teacher beforehand.  (I still chew gum all day long.)  My daughter is in Kindergarden & is still swallowing her gum.  Her teacher gave a drumstick & has her roll it under her foot.  We have seen some improvement.  We have a sticker chart that I check several times a day during my breaks.  Her homework is mainly working on letter recognition.  So we bought some CD's with songs on them that help teach.  She listens to them & can dance.  

    Allowing her to move makes a big difference.

  9. my niece has adhd....we really dont do anything about it we arent going to put her on meds so she can change and act diffrent u shuld love ur child or family member or anyone else how they are u shouldnt have to change them.........and we will never over come it because we arent putting her on meds we love her how god made her and so should other ppl

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