
What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

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What is the biggest problem in your life right now?




  1. The economy

    The situation in Iraq

    Gas prices

    Health care



    Social Security and Medicare


    Illegal immigration

    The environment

    Foreign trade

    Gun policy


    Race relations

  2. ummm the family i have wich dosent feel like a family anymore ummmm class the way i feel differnt or the way i cry myself to sleep is that better y do you want to know everyones bissness?

  3. I'm morbidly obese, apparently.  That doesn't sound good at all and I'm a little scared.

  4. going through depression T__T

  5. people think im a nerd

    i need monay 4 a whole new wordrobe

    my parents r strict

    im dealing with a total "blonde"

    trying 2 get fit

    being the person i want 2 be

    dealling wiht people that hater me

    and finding who i am and wanna be

    and thats just the start

    im 11

  6. 'friend' problems

  7. I tell you now.

    1) Cardiac arrythmias

    2) Problems with the mental health services

    3) Problems with behaviour complaints

    4) Problems with abusive people

    5) Problems with some form of gastro-intestinal relationship with my heart

    6) Problems with moving houses on and off

    7) Problems with extreme heat in the summer where I could die

    8) I have had a premature baby born at 26 weeks of my sisters

    9) My Dad risks getting sepsis still again and pays no attension

    10) I am constantly told that I am lazy no matter how hard I work.

    Tell me the solution to all of these problems in 100 words.

    Snow Man

  8. money.

  9. Money!

  10. Other people's problems.

  11. I would like a guinea pig and I want to find a way to get one as a pet.

    Why are you asking this????

  12. sorting out my relationship with my ex whom I still love and have a great friendship but do not want to marry again (I think)  while trying create a new relationship with someone yet unknown....

  13. im horribly shy, have no social life or friends. and its not because i want it liike that. its because i dont know how to change and just be social with people. its hard for me.

  14. Trying to think of an answer to this question.

  15. My biggest problem is that, even though 42 people have responded to this question, which is such a great question, since everyone has problems, yet there is no love for one another on the streets of this world. We're all brothers and sisters, with lots of problems, can we make July 17th, "Hug a stranger day"?

  16. several things that are equally terrible...

    my relationship, the fact that i dont know what to do with my future, the health of my sister

  17. Moving .

    i have to move in 3 days .

    and we just started packing ..

  18. my relationship.

  19. Always seeming to want more from everything...i cant explain it. Life is just boring sometimes.

  20. i'm terrible at math and i'm too lazy to read over the summer T.T

  21. procrastinating on yahoo Answers. yikes!

  22. Being addicted to this YAHOO Answers and spending way too much time trying to get more and more points each day! It is addicting, but at the same time I feel like I am not only learning a lot, but also helping other people in the process!  

    Thanks for reading!

  23. Helping my Dad deal with the grief of his best friend being murdered.

    ~Serial Shopper :)

  24. one friend that always drives me CRAZY. u dont KNOW how manyy times i wantedd herr 2 disappear...ugh... >=[

  25. being debt free. had my renovation cheated by unscrupulous contractors and am now paying the price.

  26. well im broke, no car, hungry, need a girl, and need help wit somethin i cant jus explain to u.

  27. World peace, or the lack thereof.  Everything else takes care of itself.

  28. ive many but its best not to dwell the more we discuss them the harder it is to see past them.

  29. good question... well deciding what to do with the rest of my life... this coming year is my senior year at high school... so much pressure... i hope i graduate... =/

  30. Other than the one you already know about....

    I would have to say my health....

    *I try to never complain....too much anyway*


  31. I just started a really intense medical speciality school that's 2 years, year-round, 40 hours a week.

    I had to move away from my boyfriend to go to this school, and I really, really miss him.

    I'm worried that I'll flunk out because anything less than 85% is considered failing.

    I'm worried about dealing with patients.

    My grandmother just died and I was very close to her.

    I'm going into a lot of debt from school.

    I can't be a kid anymore. :(

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