
What is the biggest problem our world is facing today? 10 pts best answer?

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What is the biggest problem our world is facing today? 10 pts best answer?




  1. Greed...

    whether it be by the oil cartels, politicians, those who covet what their neighbour has, huge supermarkets who charge a fortune yet pay a pittance for their goods... the list goes on and on.

  2. Greed and injustice.

  3. The main problem today and yesterday. And the day before yesterday ... and tomorrow and after tomorrow.

    The survival of homo sapiens.

  4. Abortion and g*y marriages which is both wrong and shouldn't be a problem!

    But on a serious note violence and famine and diseases in the third world countries!

  5. Not enough ways to make grilled cheese sandwiches.

  6. oil crises, all wars these days are because one day the world will not find any oil.


  7. the main problem is we care too much, sure we're running out of oil, sure our species will probably become extinct someday. Best not worry about small things and start enjoying your short and only life.

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